Having just taken possession of a custom blade with holes in it, I got to thinking about the best, or at least perhaps most efficient or least time-consuming, way to keep the rust at bay. I've always been a "rinse in water" kind of guy when it comes to removing the whiskery-lather from a razor, but I am thinking that perhaps the old "wipe on a towel" may be a better approach.

So I was wondering who wipes, who rinses, who's tried both, what do you consider the pros and cons of your chosen method, and are there any tricks or tips (eg how do you convince the wife to wash the towels on a regular basis; how many towels do you keep in a towel rotation...?).

Perhaps you have another method involving, say, the cunning use of a wet/dry vacuum cleaner, tin foil, and gaffa tape? Inquiring minds would like to know!
