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Thread: Video of my 5th shave - feedback and/or tips?

  1. #1
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    Default Video of my 5th shave - feedback and/or tips?

    Hey gents, Ive been working on my technique for about a week now, and would love some feedback or tips to improve! Thanks in advance

    Also, sorry for the poor video quality, and the shaving begins at around 3:30 if you want to skip my banter!

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  2. #2
    I Bleed Slurry Disburden's Avatar
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    You seem fine, you just need to get used to applying the razor to your face. Also make sure to stretch at all times, sometimes youre not stetching. One thing i do before i shave is use a hot towel/ wash cloth on my face, try it out.

  3. #3
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    Thanks Disburden, stretching my skin has definetely not been on my mind much while shaving, I will make sure to be aware of that in the future Also, I will try a hot towel, in the past I have just had a hot shower and tried to shave as quickly as possible after getting out. cheers!

  4. #4
    does this cut look deep? smoothbean's Avatar
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    you seem to be doing fine, I started with that exact same razor....wait to you move on to a real straight, far more comfortable shave, it wont tend to skip on you skin as much and the longer blade helps. I think you did a great job and I'm with Disburden on the stretching more often.

  5. #5
    ace is offline
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    You seem to have learned a lot in five shaves, and your technique is coming along nicely. As I progressed, I found that short strokes didn't seem logical to me. If you get the blade on your face correctly, and you are shaving well with it, then lifting it off the face and reapplying it just seems to complicate things. Also, with short strokes you tend to make too many passes on the same area. Once you get the blade going well just continue with that stroke as far as you can. As you get to the jawline on the way down, you can slightly lift the spine and continue over the jawline on to the neck area. It might take some getting used to, but it minimizes irritation and speeds up the shave.

    I tried the hot towel treatment and have found that five splashes of hot water is all I need for preparation. I liked the feeling of the hot towel, but it made no difference in my shaves.

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