On a random note, the two most civil and helpful online forums I've ever seen are this one and the one I hang out on regarding my car.
I would have to agree with that, I don't think I have ever seen anyone not act there age here.

To answer the question I would say the learning and constant improving of a skill that not many care to, or are willing to devote the time to.

Most people I know would be afraid to try it or would not want to "bother" with the "hassle" of it all. I used to get more nicks from my cheap disposables than I now get from straights.

After learning proper prep here and using good soaps/creams I now get a better shave from using my cartridge razor than a straight. But I hardly use it, infact I use it when I am running late only. When I have to use it I am disappointed. It is easier to use and it gives me slightly better results but it doesn't have that challenge. Some day I will get a better shave from a straight. Also, I used to think there was no way I could use my left hand with a straight razor. Now I do it every day with no problem at all.