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  1. #11
    32t is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by JSmith1983 View Post
    There are some that are supposed to hone the blades, but the stones looked really coarse so not sure how that would turn out. Wasn't like the stones for a rolls razor. Looking like a grinding wheel that you sharpened the blades on the side of.
    I was about to go to bed until I read this! I have a couple of Rolls that again I appreciate for their design. I could not get them sharp with the supplied hone and strop. I took one apart and honed it by "hand". It was sharp but OMG! My neck looked like a connect the dot poster. If anyone knows me I don't complain about sensitive skin. I could maybe learn how to use it but the big question is WHY.

    That said if I get a deal I would buy another because I think that they are cool.

  2. #12
    Silky Smooth
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    Back 30 some years ago I used to strop my old L & A razor that used schick injector blades. It worked very well. (Injector blades are simply small steel blades, after all.) Don't get too hung up on keeping a "perfectly" flat angle when stropping. Same as with regular straight razors, I have found that it's just not all that important, especially when using a light touch.

  3. #13
    Senior Member Snuff's Avatar
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    I've stropped Feather and KAI blades (the ones who go into the Feather razor with replaceable blades) just to see if I could prolong the blade life, I can get another 2 to 3 shaves out of a blade that way but most of the time I just don't bother with it.

  4. #14
    Junior Member ToShavaDaFace's Avatar
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    Dorcos roll easily. IMO Most disposable blades really only preform well for a single shave, some even dull half way through. I can't see getting it back to its original sharpness on a strop, those blades are sharp and thin.

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