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  1. #1
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    Default My technique or my beard?

    Hello there everyone! I have a question that's been bothering me for a while now. I've been straight shaving for over a month now and there's a problem I've been having for a while now and it's bothering me because I want to know if it's my technique or my skin. Every time I shave, it takes me multiple passes to try to get a close shave, but in the end it always looks like I have stubble on my cheek. This confuses me because I can't feel it in any direction and won't come off. I also usually have some remaining stubble because no matter how much I pass my blade, it's as if the blade can't cut which is odd because I strop and hone the blade. I can't tell if it's poor technique or if it's my beard that's the problem. Any suggestions?

  2. #2
    Bazinga Neolithium's Avatar
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    It could be your pores. If you can't feel the hair while running your hand across it, you may either have larger pores or darker hairs in it that just won't be reached by a razor. I have the same on the corners of my mouth - BBS still leaves it looking like there's hair, when in fact it's bald as heck.

  3. #3
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by LazarusUnbroken View Post
    Hello there everyone! I have a question that's been bothering me for a while now. I've been straight shaving for over a month now and there's a problem I've been having for a while now and it's bothering me because I want to know if it's my technique or my skin. Every time I shave, it takes me multiple passes to try to get a close shave, but in the end it always looks like I have stubble on my cheek. This confuses me because I can't feel it in any direction and won't come off. I also usually have some remaining stubble because no matter how much I pass my blade, it's as if the blade can't cut which is odd because I strop and hone the blade. I can't tell if it's poor technique or if it's my beard that's the problem. Any suggestions?
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  4. #4
    Senior Member Snurd's Avatar
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    Maybe it's a birth mark.

  5. #5
    Junior Member issimonete's Avatar
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    If you can't feel any stubble after shaving, i would say it is your a combination of how coarse your beard is and the complexion of your skin. I have the same problem and i have very coarse black hair and i am fairly pale skinned so even after getting a close shave, there is a slight shadow still visible on my face.

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