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Thread: Castle Forbes lime, woah!

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  1. #1
    Senior Member Baxxer's Avatar
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    Default Castle Forbes lime, woah!

    I've had the "Castle Forbes lime shaving cream" in my rotation for a few months now and I've always gotten good results.

    Today I did something different, I've recently started using alcohol based ASS's and I love the burn, so instead of using an ASB, I used D.R Harris Arlington ASS, here's what went down.

    The forbes lathered up quickly and easily as always and I had what was possibly my smoothest shave all week but after a three pass shave and a quick cold water rinse, I was mildly surprised and a bit dissapointed that the aftershave didn't burn, it felt like rubbing water in my face.

    I'd say that this is truly a testiment to how great this cream is at protecting your skin while you get one of the smoothest shaves possible.

    EDIT. for clarification, ASS=aftershave splash. ASB=aftershave balm.
    Last edited by Baxxer; 06-02-2012 at 07:36 PM.

  2. #2
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    As great as CF Lime is, technique will play a big part in preventing alcohol burn: very light touch, proper stroke and not shaving repeatedly over the same areas. If your AS burns like the dickens it typically means something is wrong, like too much pressure or using a dull razor. It sounds like everything came together for you to have a great shave, not just good lather.
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  3. #3
    Senior Member Baxxer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan82 View Post
    As great as CF Lime is, technique will play a big part in preventing alcohol burn: very light touch, proper stroke and not shaving repeatedly over the same areas. If your AS burns like the dickens it typically means something is wrong, like too much pressure or using a dull razor. It sounds like everything came together for you to have a great shave, not just good lather.
    I guess I can take some of the credit but I always get at least some burn when I use any other soap or cream.
    Last edited by Baxxer; 06-02-2012 at 06:46 PM.

  4. #4
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    I think that stuff heals as you shave lol - I always get a tingle when using it. Actually, so much so that I dilute it with a bit of Nancy Boy's Replenishing. I love the mix.
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  5. #5
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    I agree. I just had my first shave with Castle Forbes Cream and I am wondering why anyone would use anything else (other than maybe price or adventure). Smooth shave, no burn, no nothing. It's as amazing as everyone says. Also, I created stunning quantity and quality of lather in under a minute and with very little product. I am thinking that with this little amount of product, even the price may not be much of an issue.

  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth Speedster's Avatar
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    Sweet, guys. I'm anxious to try CF out. My order of CF Lime arrived last week, so that one is next up on the shave bill. Glad to hear it receive such glowing testimony.
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  7. #7
    Member sarahbella's Avatar
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    Earcutter, I think you have said too much. Are you sure your real name isn't Nancy?

    Just kidding. Curious on the mix now.

    Quote Originally Posted by earcutter View Post
    I think that stuff heals as you shave lol - I always get a tingle when using it. Actually, so much so that I dilute it with a bit of Nancy Boy's Replenishing. I love the mix.
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  8. #8
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sarahbella View Post
    Earcutter, I think you have said too much. Are you sure your real name isn't Nancy?

    Just kidding. Curious on the mix now.
    Ah Nancy, Shanty... it's all good lol. Just call me lol. But seriously, the stuff is great and mixed in with the CF lime... heaven.
    "Tested on boyfriends not animals" - their marketing dept kills me lol - have a look - Replenishing Shave Cream - Shave Cream
    sarahbella likes this.

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