Quote Originally Posted by donv View Post
OK, here ya go, Hilau,.... Just a suggestion for your start...........

Twas a dark and stormy night, to turn right was to home, but, i chose left;

Twas a dark and stormy night, to turn right was to home, but, I chose left;

or did I;
Did someone else make that choice for me?
Why my truck headed down that path of darkness is unknown.
The only thing certain was; before the sun would set again, widows would grieve and children would weep........

The rain and low temperatures made visibility difficult, looking through my front windshield.
The first thing I remember seeing was the flashing hazard lights on the women’s minivan. As slowed down, I made out the outline of three or four motorcycles parked ahead of the minivan.
There seemed to be a struggle going on inside the van. As my truck passed the van, it became clear to me that this was a violent assault on a young woman.

I exited my truck and approached the van. I shouted, “Enough, let her go!”

One of the punks turned rapidly wielding a deadly straight razor in his hand. Another punk pulled a handgun from his waist. I instantly recognized the straight as a rusty, chipped Wade & Butcher of enormous size; the kind my friend Wullie likes to buy.

He shouted, “You’re next!” The punk with the straight razor stepped forward, swinging it at my face; I redirected his swing, receiving a nasty cut on my left hand.

My right hand went to 4 o’clock and summoned the Devil’s Mouthpiece (Colt 45 Government Model).

Screams and the smell of burnt powder filled the air. Steam rose off the bodies and the spent casings lying on the ground.

The young woman was alive and franticly dialing 911 on her cell phone.

I spotted a half drank bottle of Absolut on the seat of one of the cycles. I poured the rest of the bottle on my wound. Reaching down, I pocketed the bloody Wade & Butcher; I knew my friend Wullie would want it.

My work was done here.