I know this has been brought up by others in the past (or similar questions) But I was wondering if there are any "Germoligists" around
I just came back from a festival, where I had a number of people ask me to practice my skills at shaving on their faces. I enjoy providing this experience to those who have never experienced a real shave.

But this time, I had a person request a shave, who informed me that they were also positive for Hep-C

I was not worried about contacting it from performing the shave, Being informed allowed me to take precautions. But after the shave, I put that razor, that brush, (used cream, not soap so that was not an issue THIS time) and that strop away.

What steps, if any, would be proper for sterilizing these items? Is worrying about the brush and strop going to an extreme?

I dont have barbaside, so what might be suitable "around the house" items that are suitable to accomplish this goal? Alcohol? Listerine? Peroxide?