Being a pro tattooer for a couple of decades, and having recently been required to take the blood borne pathogen course to get licensed, ( something new in FL ..... they need money) I know a little about this topic. Barbicide is something I routinely used when I used to ..... for over 10 years.... shave customers with a removable blade straight razor. The stuff solidifies on whatever you put in it and will leave crystals on your beloved razor if you leave it in the mix for days and don't take it out and rinse and wipe it down. I forget what the jug says but it should be changed like every day or every other day. Like a teaspoon to a quart or so. Like I say, been years since I used it. I consider it a waste of money unless you're a pro barber and want to impress your customers and have something to stick your combs in. YMMV.