I find that my straight razor is useful for shaving some other parts of the body too. This gives me something to do with the extra lather on the brush once every couple weeks or so.

The back of the neck is the first part of my "fresh from the barber" haircut that starts to deteriorate. I find that with the use of a small hand mirror and the large wall-mounted mirror I can see the back well enough to touch it up with a straight razor. Moving the razor with the double reflection from two mirrors is a challenge at first. I tend to move the hand in the wrong direction sometimes, so I move very slowly until the blade is in contact with my skin.

Under the arms, a couple of strokes will remove the hair. There are some challenges in this area too, due to the uneven topography of muscles and ligaments under the skin. Slow and careful is in order here too.

Since I do these areas seldom the hair on my razor is usually longer and I flick the mess into a wastebasket rather than sending it down the drain.

Anyone else shave these areas with a straight?