Ok I think I am going to loose any of the cred I had if I had any at all, asking this but...

Watching Lynn shave with his DE, he stated that the Feather Blade is better on the second shave. I for one agree 100%. I love my Feathers but man that first shave... Hence, I moved to Personas.

Anyway, it kind of set off a thought process that I have been mulling over for some time now. I know a well honed straight gives, or should give a buttery smooth shave, and on many of my blades it does but sometimes, well that's not the case. For me. Some of my blades act very much like those Feathers, and are seemingly just too sharp and produce a rather harsh shave on that first go. After a shave or two though... heaven!

Is this a product of bad stropping? Poor honing?

To be very specific; it happens on my Boker extra hollow, and my Revisor. I use my Naniwa's to hone, strop with Dovo Red then Black paste, then linen to leather - a quick 6 on the diamond paste and then back to the linen and then ultimately the Roo.

On my second and onward - I use the Dovo Black, Linen, Roo.

Be gentle, and thanks for any insights