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Thread: How do you do it?

  1. #1
    Senior Member Mcduck's Avatar
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    Default How do you do it?

    Recently I have been watching a few shaving videos looking at technique etc with the latest being shaving ATG. However I can't help but notice how different people approach the task to get the same results. I find it interesting how other people's minds work differently and that relates to how they do things. One of the many things I like about SR shaving is that you can personalize it and really make the shaving experience all yours. Something I have seen is that people tend to develop a certain routine as to how they go about shaving their face, not the pre and post shave but the actual shave itself - what parts of your face do you hit first what parts last, how do you break down the sections of your face? … Why do you do it that way?

    Some do one side of their face than the other, some start at the top and work down, some start at the bottom and work up, some go for the easy parts than the hard …

    So how do YOU do it???

    I start with the cheeks and jaw line, I then do the sides of my neck, under my chin, then my chin and upper lip. I always do the right side of each part than the left and change hands on each side.
    When I am going WTG I use the same hand as the side I am working on, when I go XTG and ATG I use the opposite hand to the side I am working on.

    The hands thing I got from videos and found it the most comfortable way, the actual order I shave my face in just kind of happened out of habit, I guess cause that is the way I shaved with a DE before using a straight.


  2. #2
    Carbon-steel-aholic DwarvenChef's Avatar
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    I started making videos of me shaveing so I could see how I was doing it. I was kind of suprised at the results because I didn't think that was how I was getting it done

    Think my "home page" is set to my videos...
    Last edited by DwarvenChef; 09-20-2012 at 08:17 AM.
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  3. #3
    Learning something all the time... unit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DwarvenChef View Post
    I started making videos of me shaveing so I could see how I was doing it. I was kind of suprised at the results because I didn't think that was how I was getting it done

    Think my "home page" is set to my videos...
    That is a good idea. I have taken to doing the same. I was really surprised at what I learned from watching myself do things from different angles (stropping in particular). The idea of always seeing the world through your own eyes is perhaps a bit limited

  4. #4
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Well, if you go by the book you are supposed to attack the face a certain way and in the old days that is how barbers were trained. I don't know of any individuals who do things that way though I'm sure there are.

    The reason we all do it different is because that is what straight shaving is all about. It's about customizing the shave routine so you adapt the technique to get the best possible result. Since we all have different faces and different beards that allows for some major modifications in routine.

    Once you get some experience you will realize this and settle into your own routine.
    dave5225 and DwarvenChef like this.
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