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  1. #1
    taj is offline
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    Unhappy Uniform Beard Growth in downward Direction

    hey.My beard grows in non uniform manner. Some part it grows downward in other across the face. I want to have a proper beard to grow uniformly in downward direction. What are shaving Techniques I should follow

  2. #2
    Senior Member TrilliumLT's Avatar
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    For you to get a bbs (baby butt smooth) shave you really have to map out the way your hair grows. For instance on my face the right side grows down and to the right, and on the left side it grows downward. So when i shave i do a wtg pass and then a atg pass. With practice you will get the bbs shave your looking for.

    If you where asking if you can train your hair to grow in the one direction. You cant.

  3. #3
    'tis but a scratch! roughkype's Avatar
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    First, from your post count, let me say Welcome to SRP!

    TrilliumLT is right, you cannot change your growth pattern. Your best bet is to adapt to it. With the grain (wtg) strokes are easiest and safest, so you should map your face into zones and try to shave WTG as much as you can. This will mean different angles here and there, and some compromises as you shave across the grain (XTG) in some of the areas.

    Stretching is important, and you'll have to figure out your best places to stretch from. I like to shave toward my stretch points, that is, toward the finger that is currently gripping my skin. I use a washcloth for traction sometimes, to really get the skin tight.

    Against the grain (ATG) passes require the sharpest razor and best technique you can bring to them. I only bother with them when I'm feeling particularly obsessive. A good stretch is even more important with them because floppy skin invites cuts, as does the ATG pass itself.

    So you'll have to faceturbate until you learn your growth patterns. As you keep shaving, you'll learn refinements to your shaving passes. Many of us here say this: It just keeps getting better.
    Last edited by roughkype; 10-09-2012 at 04:13 AM.
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  4. #4
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Yes, that's true you can't change your growth pattern. Everyone has a different pattern. Some are blessed with easy ones and some have very difficult ones. Once you figure yours out then you experiment with strokes and stretching to adapt to it.
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