My new hanging strop came from Tony Miller yesterday: #1, double sided 2.5" red latigo and honey brown ... MAN WHAT A DIFFERENCE!!! The previous two shaves had been on an unpasted paddle (also from Tony) but apparently I hadn't used enough strokes. I gave the Dovo 20 strokes on the red latigo only and I swear the whiskers just melted right off.

Also in use for the first time tonight was Colleen's Savon de Comte soap. I've got a new favorite 'cause this stuff is great all around: Rich thick lather, excellent "slick" factor and a scent that perks me right up. It'll be a standing part of all my future orders with her.

Post shave was Dickinson's Witch Hazel (still love it) and AS was The Body Shop's KISTNA. My face isn't perfectly smooth yet but the problem areas are getting smaller everyday and I had a lot fewer nicks than yesterday morning.