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  1. #1
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    Default 3rd shave, best yet!

    My new hanging strop came from Tony Miller yesterday: #1, double sided 2.5" red latigo and honey brown ... MAN WHAT A DIFFERENCE!!! The previous two shaves had been on an unpasted paddle (also from Tony) but apparently I hadn't used enough strokes. I gave the Dovo 20 strokes on the red latigo only and I swear the whiskers just melted right off.

    Also in use for the first time tonight was Colleen's Savon de Comte soap. I've got a new favorite 'cause this stuff is great all around: Rich thick lather, excellent "slick" factor and a scent that perks me right up. It'll be a standing part of all my future orders with her.

    Post shave was Dickinson's Witch Hazel (still love it) and AS was The Body Shop's KISTNA. My face isn't perfectly smooth yet but the problem areas are getting smaller everyday and I had a lot fewer nicks than yesterday morning.

  2. #2
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Yea and they will continue to get better all the time. You might try some thayers witchhazel really neat stuff and much nicer than what your using (the Dickinson's is good also but by comparison)
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  3. #3
    Senior Member edekalil's Avatar
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    That sounds good, You have the right equiptment for it. I plan to open up and use some of Colleen's soap this weekend I shoud have wateing at the house.


  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth rtaylor61's Avatar
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    Congratulations Jack, and keep up the good work. Remember, just keep taking your time and focusing on what you are doing. I'll second the mention of Thayer's Witch Hazel...I tried two different bottles of Dickinson's, the blue and the yellow label, and both smelled "sour" to me. Also, can you describe the scent of the Kistna A/S Balm? I use Javari and love it!


  5. #5
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    I'll keep the Thayers in mind, thanks for the tip guys. I think my shave related shopping is on hold until after the Holidays, embarrased to say how much I've spent on it in the last two weeks.

    KISTNA has an almost "greenery" smell, kinda reminds me of green moss, ferns and a rainy day in the woods. They use Basil, Birch Leaf, Aloe Vera gel and Brazil Nut Oil in the mix. The Brazil Nut Oil is a great moisturizer that my wife clued me into when I got sunburned at a pool party one Summer, pretty much cooked my shoulders that day (still have scars from that one). Not sure how much my wife paid for it but I'm sure it's cheaper than Trumpers, C&E and stuff of that caliber.

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