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  1. #1
    Still hasn't shut up PuFFaH's Avatar
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    Hi Rum from another UK member.
    All good advise to you so far and quite a lot of it My contribution is;
    Buy the best razor you can afford, get a cheap ebay razor for a practice razor and get them pro sharpened for the first time. You be cheaky and ask that they strop it for you for the first time so you have a comparitive benchmark to work from
    Any DOVO strop is goos starting point for your best hanging strop but make sure you get the Dovo strop paste to go with it, it really improves the strops draw.
    Try: for cheap but not rubbish UK shaving supplies and buy thier cheap No1 strop for your starter/practice strop. Ebay strops are a minefield that you dont want to walk into at this time. Hones are freely available on the net to order and the Norton 4k/8k seems to be prefered on this forum as a good all-rounder to start with. As for paddle type strops, I would recomend the Loom style for its flexability.

    I could go on but I think it's all been said by others, so Good luck.


  2. #2
    rum is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by PuFFaH View Post
    Hi Rum from another UK member.
    All good advise to you so far and quite a lot of it My contribution is;
    Buy the best razor you can afford, get a cheap ebay razor for a practice razor and get them pro sharpened for the first time. You be cheaky and ask that they strop it for you for the first time so you have a comparitive benchmark to work from
    Any DOVO strop is goos starting point for your best hanging strop but make sure you get the Dovo strop paste to go with it, it really improves the strops draw.
    Try: for cheap but not rubbish UK shaving supplies and buy thier cheap No1 strop for your starter/practice strop. Ebay strops are a minefield that you dont want to walk into at this time. Hones are freely available on the net to order and the Norton 4k/8k seems to be prefered on this forum as a good all-rounder to start with. As for paddle type strops, I would recomend the Loom style for its flexability.

    I could go on but I think it's all been said by others, so Good luck.

    Thanks PuFF. The DiamondEdge link looks great, as does Tony's strops.
    All I need to do now is find someone that will sharpen my current razor for me.

  3. #3
    Vlad the Impaler LX_Emergency's Avatar
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    oeh oeh pick me pick me!! I do a simple honing service for european members. 10 euro's including return shipping.

    But there might be someone in the UK (not across the pond where I am) who'll do it for free.

  4. #4
    rum is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by LX_Emergency View Post
    oeh oeh pick me pick me!! I do a simple honing service for european members. 10 euro's including return shipping.

    But there might be someone in the UK (not across the pond where I am) who'll do it for free.
    Thanks, LX! If there are indeed no UK takers (which I'd prefer due to postage costs), I'll drop it by your way. That sounds like great value. We'll speak via PM.

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