Hi group,

First time post for me here - I've just joined and must say I've been looking for a site like this for some time now. I think congrats are due to the site's founders, creators and to all of you for keeping a community on something like this alive and kicking!

I got my first straight razor some 18 months ago and have been using it as my main shaving hardware for just over a year or so. It's the type that takes replacement blades, although I will at some point be making the jump to the traditional type (I have a particular model in mind and know where to buy it from). I also have a DE which I use occasionally if I'm in a hurry.

I changed to a straight razor, because I got fed up of the expensive rubbish like Mach 3 et al that gave me about 15 major ingrown hair/razor bumps on my face, neck and jaw line every day and yet still couldn't shave me close!! Generally, my hair is very curly with a very thick beard of Mediterranean origin - a combination that makes shaving a nightmare. Even with the straight razor and DE I still get the odd ingrown hair/large razor bump appearing (a lot less though than before!) which I tackle with a variety of creams and shaving methods.

My most recent wonder-cream is the night cream by The Art of Shaving. Costs a bomb, but so far it's done wonders for the mountains I've had on my face (sic). I also try and keep my face moisturised during the day and shave every other day, rather than daily. I use Trumper's shaving cream (wish I'd discovered the rose stuff sooner!), with AOS pre-shave oil and balm. I also have coral skin food by Trumper's which I use when it's not very cold outside; I have also used it as a pre-shave when I haven't shaved in a few days. I also use face washes and stuff in the evenings. My skin is both dry and sensitive.

I suppose my question is whether a traditional straight razor will make a difference for me or if it is my technique. The DE is great, but not as close as the straight and I long for a face like Anthonio Bandaras (anyone remember that scene from Desperado? - I think he used a 6 or 7/8 blade and shaved in the upwards direction; it's huge!). Also, is a hand-held strop and honing stone going to be any better than a hanging type - I can think of nowhere to hang it and as I travel a lot, I may have to resort to taking my DE or blade straight razor with me.

Anyway, thanks for reading and apologies for the slightly long ramble.