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Thread: Does anybody here get a straight blade shave at the barber ?

  1. #11
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    Default Does anybody here get a straight blade shave at the barber ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan82 View Post
    They supposedly use a Feather AC. Is that what they used, and what location?
    Not sure what it. was, I asked & she couldn't even tell me, didn't know herself. All I know was that it was a disposable straight, with a green handle. I just assumed it was some kind of Shavette, but you're probably right. The location was in Lethbridge, Alberta.

  2. #12
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    Just once. I have an 80 year old barber friend who still has his shop. Right after I began straight shaving I asked him to show me the ropes. He had me stop by on a Monday when he was closed (he was busy tying flies). He started with a shave with all the trimmings, then proceeded to show me his view on stropping and honing. It was a great couple of hours. He enjoyed it...said it was nice to see someone with an interest. I learned a few things for sure. He had two straights he had used for years: Bokers. He uses them now just for trimming up after a haircut. I was the first shave he had done in years but he hadn't gotten out of practice, it seemed to me. He and I have done some skeet shooting from time to time. I told him the next round was on me.
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  3. #13
    Senior Member maddafinga's Avatar
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    Default Re: Does anybody here get a straight blade shave at the barber ?

    I get my head shaved every other week by my barber. Does that count? He started bartering in 1955 he told me. He's older but does a really solid job. I like it way better than shaving my own head with my gilette tech from the 40s or my 69 slim adjustable. It's just a nicer experience.

    I enjoy shaving my own face too much to have him do it, but he does face shaves. It's only 12 bucks for my head.
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  4. #14
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    Tried it and found what many others have...for hair removal, I can do a better job myself with just about any kind of razor. It's one of the more overrated experiences out there in terms of results, but I'm sure some will find it worthwhile for style alone.

  5. #15
    I love Burls....... and Acrylic HARRYWALLY's Avatar
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    I've had it done twice now at a place called Maurizio's in Waterloo. The atmosphere there is awesome and the experience was great. Him and his wife do the shaving using top quality products. D.R. Harris Arlington is the soap they use, with an alum block rinse after. They use the Dovo shavettes with dorko blades. They have awesome leather seats, great conversation with my buddies, Espresso/coffee, and even a shot of sambuca. Buuuuut, They do a 3 pass shave and by the end I was soooo raw! So were all the other guys. Its a close shave at the expense of a layer of skin!! I don't recommend it.
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  6. #16
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    I've gotten SR shave by a barber a handful of times and I came away disappointed every time. Barbers capable of providing a quality SR shave are apparently a dying breed. If you do find a quality barber, though, I imagine it would be a great treat. I wish there was one in my area.
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  7. #17
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    I have yet to find a barber in my area who still uses a straight razor for shaving, it is always a disposable. No point to waste money a disposable shave in my opinion

  8. #18
    Senior Member maddafinga's Avatar
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    Default Re: Does anybody here get a straight blade shave at the barber ?

    My guy uses a shavette. I think they're required to by law anymore.
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  9. #19
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    I used to before starting with straight myself. Cut and shave for under 40 bucks ain't bad but some barbers are better than others. I found it particularly helpful when removing the winter beard.

  10. #20
    Senior Member blabbermouth OCDshaver's Avatar
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    One of my philosophies is that of enjoying affordable luxuries every day to increase the quality of life. I enjoy these things done at home. Instead of going out for a good dinner, I make one as good or better at home. A great cocktail is only a shaker away. Likewise, my shave is done only at home as well. Besides, for what Truefitt and Hill charges for a shave, I could be feeding one of my acquisition disorders. 
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