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  1. #1
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    Default razor preference evolution

    Since I've started str8 shaving I've begun to recognize a distinct change in the razors I prefer. when I started out, my preference was wedge razors, two Wade and Butchers to be precise.

    For some reason, I tend to nick myself whenever I use those razors. Also, for some reason, I just can't seem to get them as sharp as the hollowed out grinds. One of them will actually skip.... which scares the bejeeebers out of me. I'll give it one more try and if it continues, I'll rescale it and sell it on ebay.

    I also find that I am beginning to like rounded points compared to squared points.... fewer nicks.

    Now, I am trying to decide if I like a 6/8 or larger size or the 5/8 or smaller, Like the double duck.

    Strangely enough, the razor that is becoming my most favorite to use was also my cheapest, a Keystone. For some reason, I just do better with it and it seems to shave closer (I think its stainless as well).

    I wonder how much of this will change once I am more experienced in str8 shaving. What types of evolution have you experienced.

  2. #2
    Electric Razor Aficionado
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    I started out favoring the big razors for my tough beard. I've got a fair collection of 7/8+ Friodurs and quarter hollow and frameback 7/8+ Sheffields from this period that I'll probably never sell just because they're pretty cool razors.

    Lately I've been migrating towards the 5/8 full hollow razors, in my current rotation I've got 4 5/8 and 3 6/8 razors, of which three are half or quarter ground and the rest are 4/4 ground or thinner. One of the half hollows is about to be moved out of the rotation to make way for a 5/8 size 4/4 hollow that started falling into shape last weekend.

    The other day I got a USMC razor from ebay and I was disappointed to discover it was a 6/8 instead of a 5/8.

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I like to mix them up. Started with a 5/8 hollow spike, then moved on to bigger and fuller blades, then discovered 6/8 hollow round point Pumas, later maganed to make 5/8 hollows work fine... Currently I think 6/8 is my preferred size but get great shaves with both bigger and smaller, round points or not, wedges and hollows.

    My top 7:
    2 8/8 - one hollow other not
    4 6/8 - hollow, quater hollow
    1 5/8 - full hollow

    Only two 5/8 in the works which might join the top: a Wonderedge and a Genco Tiger. The other potentials are all bigger, except a De Pew.


  4. #4
    < Banned User > suzuki's Avatar
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    Here are my top shavers:

    Holland 1/2 hollow (perhaps slightly less) 5/8 roundpoint ($35 shave-ready from altima on e-bay)
    Otto Hess 1/4 hollow 5/8 spike (just got this, but has quickly become a favourite)
    Boker 1/2 hollow 6/8 spike - my first self-honed razor and great steel
    TI Sheffield steel 6/8 full hollow roundpoint
    Fridour 7/8 full hollow stainless roundpoint

    I have other razors, that I have high hopes for, but they need some tuning.

    I like the smaller blades and don't see myself getting anything larger than a 6/8.

    I also like the way the wedgier razors shave - slightly different feel than the full hollows.

  5. #5
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    When I started out I didn't know squat about straights or shaving and just bought two razors a TI 6/8s and a Dovo 5/8s stainless both new. Over the years I find I like to use them all from 4/8s to 7/8s square point, round point, carbon and stainless, hollow or wedge. I probably gravitate to the 6/8s but I'm just as happy with a 5/8s so I guess thats my preference. I have too many razors to pick real favorites but my Puma's, DD's, TI Thiers LE and my maestro are probably my best shavers. I think the longer you are at this thing the more you will want to experiment and the more you will see the pleasures of using every type of razor.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  6. #6
    Senior Member Agamemnon's Avatar
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    I started with a Fromm #72 round point (5/8) and a DOVO 5/8 round point both full hollow ground. I've lately become more interested in wedges and am planning on acquiring at least one Wacker 6/8 quarter hollow from John Crowley in the next two or three months. I like both the wedge I currently have in my rotation(C-MON 9/16) as well as the hollows. The hollows tend to have a more springy feel and the wedges have a... solid feel I suppose I would describe it. My wedge honed up more easily than I expected it to and is especially effective when I've gone more than two days between shaves.

  7. #7
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    I remember thnking 4/8 would likely be most comfortable for me, but I quickly learned how nice a larger smiling blade was to use. It's only been a year and a half so I guess there's still room for evolution, but I've been comfortably in my second phase for some time now.


  8. #8
    Senior Member ForestryProf's Avatar
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    I can honestly say that my preference in razors has never changed...I've always gravitated toward the sharp one

    But seriously, I've found that each razor has its own personality and to say that I prefer 6/8 spikes would be overly simplistic as I have run across one or two that don't measure up to a couple of 5/8 round points that are in my regular rotation.

    Hope everyone had a great New Year.

  9. #9
    DMS is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by ForestryProf View Post
    I can honestly say that my preference in razors has never changed...I've always gravitated toward the sharp one

    But seriously, I've found that each razor has its own personality and to say that I prefer 6/8 spikes would be overly simplistic as I have run across one or two that don't measure up to a couple of 5/8 round points that are in my regular rotation.

    Hope everyone had a great New Year.
    Welcome back, long time no see!

  10. #10
      Lynn's Avatar
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    I don't know if my preference has changed as much over the years as my appreciation and recognition of a great shaver has changed. I still shave with some 4/8, 5/8, 6/8, 7/8 and 8/8 blades. I think overall I gravitate to the 5/8 and 6/8 as they are alot more controllable and I tend to flatten out the 8/8 blades and larger when shaving. I have added a few favorite brands over the years, especially in the US and Sheffield categories.


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