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Thread: Advice from a new new guys

  1. #1
    Learning something all the time... unit's Avatar
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    Default Advice from a new new guys

    OK, so I have shaved almost daily with a straight for a bit over 6 months. In that time I have learned (to some extent) everything regarding getting a decent shave with a straight...Make no mistake, I am not saying that I know everything, rather just saying that I have learned many aspects (including restoration, repair, honing, stropping, maintaining, lathering/prep, holding the razor properly for all these tasks, shaving with it, and post shave care for both me and the razors). Not bragging, just trying to convey that I know a bit about this stuff...and here is why I want to make this concept clear.

    Yesterday I pulled one of my favorite razors (an heirloom from my grandfather) that typically provides the best shaves with the least effort. It has a slight smile and this allows for very comfortable use around the neck/throat area (I am slim and have some deep depressions on my neck).

    So with my credentials before you, I want to offer up that even after you learn how to do all this stuff, you can still have bad days....and it is probably best to put the razor down and seek alternate means for beard removal when you recognize one of these days.

    Yesterday I started shaving and got through about 80% of my first pass without incident (I had a few weepers, but that is typical as this blade is WAY sharper than the one I use on a daily basis...these weepers generally heal with a cold splash and cause no incident). Anyway, I start with my non-dominant hand for the first 80% of the shave then switch to my dom. for the last 20% (the right cheek).

    It was at this moment that I put the point into my ear and sliced deeply, then proceeded to pull back, take a breath, then go for the second stroke in the middle of my cheek (where I put the blade into my skin at the cheek bone and started bleeding from a second spot).

    At this point, I SHOULD have stopped...but no, I pressed on.

    Clearly, I was having a bad day that was in no way representative of the results I routinely get. I should have switched to another method, or simply stopped and waited til the next day to finish (it was a Sunday fer cryin out loud!).

    So I continued to re-lather and shave inducing at least 2 other smaller nicks along the way before gaining enough sense to throw in the towel for the day.

    So the advice in here is when you have a problem, take a break and contemplate heavily weather or not proceeding with the straight is the right thing to do. Perhaps doing so will result in better and more confident results tomorrow

  2. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to unit For This Useful Post:

    Chevhead (02-14-2013), Hirlau (02-04-2013), ojinsa (02-04-2013)

  3. #2
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    We all have bad days! Great post but we needs pics of the cuts
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  4. #3
    Senior Member Steelstubble's Avatar
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    Its for this exact reason that I keep a DE around in case things go horribly wrong during my straight razor shave.
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  5. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth 10Pups's Avatar
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    Those are the kind of bad days you remember for the rest of the week.
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  6. #5
    Learning something all the time... unit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brooksie967 View Post
    We all have bad days! Great post but we needs pics of the cuts
    As you wish.

    Not a great picture but I think you can see the ear, the cheek, and several smaller ones on the neck. (This was taken just now)


    Last edited by unit; 02-04-2013 at 06:20 PM.
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  7. #6
    Truth is weirder than any fiction.. Grazor's Avatar
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    I know the feeling, shaved with my current favorite, Boker king cutter, three days ago, bad shave, weepers and stubble,yesterday, shaved with a Japanese frame back, second time i have shaved with it, first time i didn't like it at all, this time, great shave in one pass,
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  8. #7
    Junior Member TonyM's Avatar
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    Funny how we can have days like that. I usually press on regardless with my straight, but once in a while I throw in the towel and finish with a mach 3. No shame in saving your face from cuts!
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  9. #8
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    You really did a number on yourself eh? Ground beef for dinner?
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  10. #9
    32t is offline
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    Sideburns as long as your ears would solve half of your problems.
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  11. #10
    Greaves is my friend !!! gooser's Avatar
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    great post !!
    knock on wood ive only cut myself a few times , but when i do it is usually a GOOD one where the skeptic has no effect but i always press on , i think i will sit back and grab a DE after a good cut and just relax next time .. i tend to hurry through after a cut and a bad shave ends with me missing a lot of comfort and poor results on those whiskers that i leave behind

    again good post !!
    unit likes this.

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