Neosporin is god's gift to earth, lol. Good advice.

I bought the razor from Vintage Razor Place. They seem to be a good company. The razor that I bought is a DOVO 5/8" Hollow Ground. I understand now that buying a hollow ground may have been a little arbitrary, since the blade may flex from being so thin. Regardless, I've actually really been wondering how to determine how sharp my edge is. Obviously, nearly everything is marketed as "shave ready;" however, I'm not so sure. How would you recommend I test this? Hanging hair test, maybe? Or would having the edge honed just be a good idea in general?

Thanks for the stropping recommendation. I'll try to hunt that article down. Also, I can't thank you enough for the honing offer. I may take you up on that sooner, rather than later.

Thank you so, so much for your informative post, pinklather. It means a lot!