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Thread: technique question for experienced shavers

  1. #1
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    Default technique question for experienced shavers

    hi guys,

    I have a question about technique/recommendations to make my life easier, the problem is my beard grows completely to the right on most of my neck, I have no problem to shave my face and upper neck but the lower neck is always a pain the ass since I haven't found the correct angle to finish it without looking like a contortionist.

    sorry about the small picture didn't find a way to make it bigger on the post
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  2. #2
    RazorBase DB application developer
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    I have a similar pattern of growth, and getting a close shave there is an ongoing project. Things that I've found which help are -

    - a scything stroke. (I use my left hand for the right side and vice versa, with the blade edge upward)
    - stretching from the side, to tighten the skin over the hollow to the side of the Adam's apple.
    - pulling a face like Hector Salamanca:
    Name:  HectorSalamanca.jpg
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  3. #3
    Senior Member JazzWillie's Avatar
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    This may sound like a less than satisfactory rookie reply, because I'm fairly newish and my growth pattern is as bad if not a little more confusing to shave, but I just pull my skin as tight as I can moving where I pull from as I go up or down my neck depending on what pass I'm on. I am still learning the best position my hand should be in. In my opinion if your hand isn't comfortable, it's probably in the wrong position. On the bright side, each shave has more and more of my neck and lip areas smooth as silk. I have this swirl pattern on my neck that gives me fits as to what direction to attack from. In that case I've found it is in ALL directions. Like caulking can hide a multitude of construction errors, a well honed razor takes care of a multitude of hair patterns.

  4. #4
    Senior Member 1holegrouper's Avatar
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    it looks like your skin is new to straight razor shaving and is not quite acclimated. What if this were my neck? Well I would first not shave for a couple of days and let the area heal. Why I'm doing this I would carefully examine my razor and most likely rehone it. (test bevel; 1K if needed, 4/5K then 8K then 10/12K then Crox paste/Zulu/Jnat/Escher then 100X leather) Then in shave prep I would use Proraso Pre-Shave or Shaving oil or olive oil after the shower in this area. Then make an Uber lather (cream, soap, glycerine) and brush it in real well. This would be the first area I shave, for now. Make sure my fingers where dry and stretch small areas (this is really key) and shave those areas XTG (in your case North to South) in short light strokes (this is also key). Since you are growing sideways that makes true WTG and true ATG a bit problematic, for now. Perhaps a 45 degree might work as well. I would use very light 30 degree scything strokes. Look at YouTube videos and our Wiki about scything strokes and look at videos when barbers shave someone and notice their small strokes. Don't try to cover a large area in one large swath and don't push it. At the moment of tug or irritation stop immediately and regroup. An alum block then sensitive skin balm would be good post shave treatment.

    You will not likely nail it the first time but if you do these things you will see improvement every time.
    Last edited by 1holegrouper; 07-03-2013 at 07:55 PM. Reason: additional clarification
    If I had six hours to chop down a tree, I'd spend the first four sharpening the axe. - A. Lincoln

  5. #5
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    thanks for the info I'll try tonight except the honing part since I don't own a hone, I'm planning on getting one soon.

    the cut I have was caused by a question from my wife... you might wonder how that is possible, she asked something I said no and instinctively moved my head just enough to get a small cut...

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by amanuense View Post
    thanks for the info I'll try tonight except the honing part since I don't own a hone, I'm planning on getting one soon.

    the cut I have was caused by a question from my wife... you might wonder how that is possible, she asked something I said no and instinctively moved my head just enough to get a small cut...
    Well, your solution is right there - get your wife to shave that bit

    I'm fairly new to this also and take some inspiration from your post. There are a couple of briar patches low down on my neck where I've been having trouble. What's helped me out is taking very careful note of the grain direction and using short strokes, sometimes very short, adapting the direction as I go to make sure I do a good WTG beard reduction first. I've tried powering through and it just doesn't work XTG or ATG first time for me (also like 1holegrouper suggests I think my honing and stopping leaves something to be desired...). I also found it helpful to only have a very light lather, almost see through, on tough bits so the direction can be noted while I learn.

    Roll on muscle memory...

  7. #7
    Poor Fit
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    You'll need to focus on mapping your growth pattern. For me I find the ATG is a huge help on those tough neck hair seems to almost grow sideways all across my neck. The ATG seems to work for me to get rid of those pesky problem spots but it took some time. Part of the fun of all this business is experimenting and finding what works for you

  8. #8
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    Across the entire area under my chin, my beard grows from left to right. I've found that using angled passes rather than trying to truly go with and against the grain (upper left to bottom right for WTG, straight up for XTG, and lower right to upper left for ATG) have given me the best results.
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  9. #9
    Mortal Member bombay's Avatar
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    you dont have to strife for a BBS neck, just a nice comfortable shave. i think most people have patches on their neck were they just say stuff it.

  10. #10
    Silky Smooth
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    Hydrate your beard well so that it is nice and soft. Lather well. Use sharp and well-stropped razor. Raise the spine of the razor to just enough angle to cleanly catch and cut the whiskers, but USE FEATHER-LIGHT PRESSURE. Gently stretch small sections of your skin. Ignore beard growth pattern and shave in the most convenient direction.

    Last edited by JeffR; 07-04-2013 at 08:22 PM. Reason: fix typos
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  11. The Following User Says Thank You to JeffR For This Useful Post:

    smflee (07-11-2013)

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