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08-10-2013, 02:04 AM #1
Scores from a couple of antique stores!!
In the last 2 weeks, I've been to 2 antique stores in my area. I ended up with 3 razors, in pretty good shape for next to nothing! I'm so excited to get the latest 2 honed and put to the test!!
Top to bottom: J A Henckles 'noyes best', Wade and Butcher (not sure which one), and a J R Torrey full hollow (already honed and its a sweet shaver!!). Other than the cracked (what appears to be) horn scale on the W&B, not a bad couple weeks haul!!
Looking for more stores in the area!
08-10-2013, 02:07 AM #2
Sorry for the poor pic quality...only had my iPhone. Forgot to add...the box is original to the Henckles! They've all since been hand sanded (400, 1000, 2000 grit) to remove some of the oxidation and a touch of Mother's to smooth it all out. I personally like the aged look