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Thread: How to clear out a bath house 101

  1. #31
    Moderator Razorfeld's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hidestoart View Post

    Glad to hear you are going to start the Straight Path there are many here that will help you and have a great knowledge of the path. Remember the dumbest question you can ever ask - - - IS THE ONE YOU DON'T
    I was using a 6/8 K.H.S with Cella soap. I did have a red shaving towel over my left shoulder though.
    OMG Wonder if that has a meaning in pop culture I am to old to know about?
    I was told that it used to, or still does, have specific meaning depending on which back pocket it was hanging out of. I think over the shoulder is a safe place for it.

  2. #32
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hidestoart View Post
    I did have a red shaving towel over my left shoulder though.
    OMG Wonder if that has a meaning in pop culture I am to old to know about?
    Perhaps they thought it used to be white.....
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    Bread and water can so easily become tea and toast

  3. #33
    Senior Member hidestoart's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nightblade View Post
    We lived on Silver lake as well for a couple of years before movin to Long Lake..small world. Did ya ever Party at the Taunz Haus ? That's where I got my drinkin chops started. Uncle Ted Played there a coupla times when he was in the audience bein a local.
    Taunz Haus oh I do remember that place I remember I got bagged there a few times. I ran from the Pine Stead reef to Flintstones and the Gin Mill up on the corners. I hung more over at the Fireplace Inn

    Some of my best memories are cruising to North Port on Saturday mornings in my 66 Mustang with California racing stripe, Cragger mags, G60 14 tires, Traction bars and jacked up. The 289 hypo chugging at every stop. Windows down and Steve Miller on my 8 Track pioneer super tuner under dash with a match book holding the tape to keep it from dragging. Sailing in the afternoon and the return trip included smelt in Omina. Back to Grawn for $0.58 gas and a shower before heading out for the night. How is that for a trip down memory lane? Yeah I remember Northern Michigan
    And then there was Deer camp in the fall This was a time when the banker and plumber shared the same cabin, camper or tent, told lies about deer they saw that were bigger than the state of Texas. Jump a head to January in a shanty crouched over a hole with a spear waiting for a pike.
    Nightblade and WillN like this.
    A veteran is someone who, at one point in their life, wrote a blank check, made payable to the United States of America, "for an amount up to and including my life".

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  5. #34
    Modern Day Peasant Nightblade's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by hidestoart View Post
    Taunz Haus oh I do remember that place I remember I got bagged there a few times. I ran from the Pine Stead reef to Flintstones and the Gin Mill up on the corners. I hung more over at the Fireplace Inn

    Some of my best memories are cruising to North Port on Saturday mornings in my 66 Mustang with California racing stripe, Cragger mags, G60 14 tires, Traction bars and jacked up. The 289 hypo chugging at every stop. Windows down and Steve Miller on my 8 Track pioneer super tuner under dash with a match book holding the tape to keep it from dragging. Sailing in the afternoon and the return trip included smelt in Omina. Back to Grawn for $0.58 gas and a shower before heading out for the night. How is that for a trip down memory lane? Yeah I remember Northern Michigan
    And then there was Deer camp in the fall This was a time when the banker and plumber shared the same cabin, camper or tent, told lies about deer they saw that were bigger than the state of Texas. Jump a head to January in a shanty crouched over a hole with a spear waiting for a pike.
    Wow.........You sure you and I never met at Hoosier Valley and wasted brains cells together at the Keg ? I was class of "82" . Pinestead Reef and Fireplace Inn. Haven't heard those Names for years. And damn if I haven't had a good smelt fry in ages. Haven't hunted for roughly 30 years........I'm dying out here. Morel Mushrooms in the Spring, Tart cherries in the Summer, Cider in the Fall and Gale Storms in November ! Cherry Festival I am told is getting more and more low key even due to less dependence on tourism, that is sad. My beloved Great Lakes get spoiled by more and more foreign critters and weather each year it seems. ...........different times for sure. I still remember visiting my Grandmothers place in Grayling just off of Dead Mans curve and watching all the Army convoys goin to and fro from Camp Grayling. Oh yeah, and I have a button pin from the now defunct TC 250 SNOWMOBILE RACES that I have held onto for years.
    Last edited by Nightblade; 09-10-2013 at 04:21 AM.
    Come along inside,We'll see if tea and buns can make the world a betterplace.~TheWind in the Willow~

  6. #35
    Huh... Oh here pfries's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Nightblade View Post
    Born In Grayling, grew up In TC/Long lake Interlochen area, Nice to meet ya man ! I can smell the two stroke fuel and dead fish as we I miss that ! Cheers !
    Wow been a long while, we still have property near the old boy scout camp at Bear lake.
    Been a long time since I rode the power lines.....
    I still have the .22 and 10-22 from my youth my boys get to play with them now. Makes me wonder what happened and I don't consider myself Old....
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  7. #36
    Junior Member jtstav's Avatar
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    Don't be surprised if you go back and find multiple men shaving with straight razors next time you're there. It was too much humiliation for them to take lol.
    I'd rather have a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy.

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