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Thread: Wade and Butcher 7/8 Hollow Celebrated from E-Bay

  1. #1
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Default Wade and Butcher 7/8 Hollow Celebrated from E-Bay

    Once in awhile, you get to E-Bay and the type of razor you like is waiting for you, at a great price, BIN for $120, and it's even in the same country so shipping is cheap, and no worry of duties.

    Just grabbed this original condition with coffin box, Wade and Butcher 7/8 Celebrated Hollow Ground. Going to get it cleaned up and honed, and it will take it's place in the rotation. What a find!!

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  2. #2
    Senior Member Wayne1963's Avatar
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    Yes, that was a find!

  3. #3
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Wow - the blade arrived from Montreal today!!!

    The blade is in superb condition, quite heavy as well, great heft to these old W&B's! Couple of spots of rust which almost came off with my fingernail alone. Checked the blade with my new trusty loupe and basically just some stains that cleaned right off with just a bit of Flitz, and some some small spots of surface rust, no cracks at all in the blade. The edge was in surprisingly good shape, I'd bet dollars to donuts a few laps on the felt pasted balsa board with the Dovo Green, then Red, then onto the CrOx, linen and leather and it would be ready to shave!

    However,the scales are a bit worrying, they don't look like they will crumble like my others, but they're not in great condition.

    Sent it off to the gentlemansden to do his magic in cleaning it up, we'll see how the scales work out or whether it's going to get some burlwood, horn or some other type of material.

    Either way, this was an awesome find, guess I used my E-Bay mojo for the rest of the year...will post a pic when it's cleaned up, honed and I've had a shave with it!!

    Last edited by Phrank; 12-20-2013 at 08:54 PM.
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  4. #4
    Moderator Razorfeld's Avatar
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    Phrank, you need to get some hard copy photos of these beauties and send me a few so I can set up a small worship area with candles, incense and the like so I can start worshipping inanimate articles and start the Church of the Steel Blade. I'll make you First Deacon. It will be a very liberal church. Worship at your own convenience, where ever you want to, when ever you want to. But Saturday morning meetings obligatory to discuss the Mystic of the Lather and the singing of Nearer My Hone To Thee. Then there is the annual Pasting of the Strop, celebrated on the fourth Thursday in February.
    Phrank likes this.
    "The sharpening stones from time to time provide officers with gasoline."

  5. #5
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Razorfeld View Post
    Phrank, you need to get some hard copy photos of these beauties and send me a few so I can set up a small worship area with candles, incense and the like so I can start worshipping inanimate articles and start the Church of the Steel Blade. I'll make you First Deacon. It will be a very liberal church. Worship at your own convenience, where ever you want to, when ever you want to. But Saturday morning meetings obligatory to discuss the Mystic of the Lather and the singing of Nearer My Hone To Thee. Then there is the annual Pasting of the Strop, celebrated on the fourth Thursday in February.
    Thanks's off to the gentlemansden, for a clean up and maybe some new scales(??). The pics don't convey the weight of these blades, even the 7/8 is a hefty beast!!!

    I've sent a note to Vatican City, outlining the new structure and nominated you as Pope Razorfeld I, that's the most I can do until you set up your governance structure and appoint a Board of Directors!


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    Last two wade and butcher celebrated I bought were exactly like this except one had a butchers notch... Got each for less than 50 bucks due to misspellings in the title! I don't think I'll ever have that kind of luck again
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  7. #7
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Heespharm View Post
    Last two wade and butcher celebrated I bought were exactly like this except one had a butchers notch... Got each for less than 50 bucks due to misspellings in the title! I don't think I'll ever have that kind of luck again
    Really - less than $50...and I thought I was lucky!! My jaw literally dropped when I saw this one for $120 BIN in Montreal!! Figured I'll never see it, and if I do there will be some fatal flaw, but no, the blade was perfect!! We must have both been blessed by Pope Razorfeld I !!!!

  8. #8
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    Here they are phrank... I just got another one for 55 but it's a 6/8
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  9. #9
    Senior Member kwlfca's Avatar
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    I think I saw this one up there but went in a couple other directions :P Good grab.

  10. #10
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Heespharm View Post
    Name:  ImageUploadedByTapatalk1387596268.526454.jpg
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    Here they are phrank... I just got another one for 55 but it's a 6/8
    Hahaha...that's hilarious!! I just realized it was a pic of YOUR BLADE I sent to thegentlemansden as something I'd like to consider doing with my W&B, right down to the 3 pins and type of horn!!!

    Gorgeous work...sheesh....except for the fact that mine's a round tip, we'll have very similar razors...there was a thread not to long ago about those who liked 3 pin blades, and I'm definitely one!

    Again, awesome blade!!

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