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Thread: Wade and Butcher 17/16 Anchor
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12-28-2013, 11:05 PM #1
Wade and Butcher 17/16 Anchor
Very happy to have found and acquired a Wade and Butcher 17/16 Anchor Straight Razor.
Here's the description I got:
Blade measures 17/16 (1"+).
Tang is marked WADE & BUTCHER with a very large Anchor.
The Anchor is the maker's mark for Birmingham, UK.
This means that the steel / razor originates in Birmingham, not Sheffield, UK where their factory was located.
Extremely rare. I have not seen another example of a Wade and Butcher razor from Birmingham.
The tang is a monkey tail, which is also unusual.
No chips or cracks anywhere on the blade.
The original scales are straight and smooth to the touch, with brass bulls eye pins.
Centers true and straight. The scales are straight.
This beauty is now on the way, will get cleaned up and potentially rescaled, will post the after pics.
Been looking for one of these for awhile, and this one was on my bucket list of razors.