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Thread: First two in hand!

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Unhappy First two in hand!

    Name:  Wade and Butcher close shave.jpg
Views: 196
Size:  22.8 KBName:  B.W. MiddleBrooks co.jpg
Views: 199
Size:  16.5 KBHere are my first two. Wade and Butcher "Close Shave" and a B.W. Middlebrooks co. If anyone knows anything about them, please share. They don't shave worth damn it. I used the Middlebrooks today. I had less than 30* and it took a significant amount of pressure to get it done. My face still feels a little stingy The W&B just didn't do anything. These were e-bay finds. The W&B I locked down for $48. I like it, just wish it was sharp. I like the Middlebrooks too. Secured that one for $14. When I get back to 'Merica, I'll have to send them out to one of you honing legends. Oh, the spine on the Middlebrooks also looks like it's shot due to whoever honed it last.
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  2. #2
    Senior Member Suavio's Avatar
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    Sounds like your blades desperately need a hone! You shouldn't need any pressure at all for these to be pinging through hairs no problem at all - try testing on your arm hairs without touching the skin. Without closer inspection, both should be very able to take a good edge.

    Suggest never shaving with a razor until performing a "shave ready" test.
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  3. #3
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    I did the arm hair test. The W&B was a no-go. The Middlebrooks popped a few. I was excited and willing to take the risk, because after weeks of waiting they were here! Back to my safety until me next box. Still waiting on my Trus Vada military NOS from Russia, and a Genco. Fingers crossed for those two.

  4. #4
    Senior Member Johnus's Avatar
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    Most if not all eBay razors will not be shave ready. Sorry.
    Ideas: buy from a vendor on a forum such as this one who will sell you a shave ready blade. Often for less than you'll pay on eBay for one that isn't.
    Go with a FEATHER Str8 and a ProGuard Blade and you won't have to worry about blade prep.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member Siguy's Avatar
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    Oh, what a great day this is! I completely share your excitement of receiving two "new" razors! Welcome to the club, Serg!

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