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  • 3 Post By totton111
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Thread: Shaving Scuttle Mug - Yes! I'm a cheap bastard

  1. #1
    Junior Member totton111's Avatar
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    Default Shaving Scuttle Mug - Yes! I'm a cheap bastard

    Saw someone using a shaving scuttle on a YouTube video the other day. What a great thing to have especially here in the Great White North where the temp today is -7 Celsius (17 F) and in this old house my bathrooms are pretty chilly too.

    This homemade scuttle works really well. Good warm shave this morning with no hassle. All I needed was...

    1) Tea cup
    2) Pyrex bowl with an rubber band around it so it fits snugly into the cup

    Name:  DSCF0323edit.jpg
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    Name:  DSCF0331edit.jpg
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    - Totton (in chilly Toronto)
    Hirlau, Substance and rhensley like this.
    As the world continues more crazy than cruel, he spins like a top on the end of his tool.

  2. #2
    rhensley rhensley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by totton111 View Post
    Saw someone using a shaving scuttle on a YouTube video the other day. What a great thing to have especially here in the Great White North where the temp today is -7 Celsius (17 F) and in this old house my bathrooms are pretty chilly too.

    This homemade scuttle works really well. Good warm shave this morning with no hassle. All I needed was...

    1) Tea cup
    2) Pyrex bowl with an rubber band around it so it fits snugly into the cup

    Name:  DSCF0323edit.jpg
Views: 482
Size:  52.3 KB

    Name:  DSCF0331edit.jpg
Views: 312
Size:  65.5 KB

    - Totton (in chilly Toronto)
    your not cheap. You are frugal conservative thrifty
    totton111 likes this.

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