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Thread: A belated Christmas present

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default A belated Christmas present

    So my parents had gotten me a couple things for Christmas I didn't genuinely think I would get use out of. Got some items returned and was given cash. After copious amounts of window-shopping online and figuring out what I wanted to get (and from where) I finally made an order.

    Ordered these items from Classic Edge. (Sorry for poor quality, wasn't in the mood to make it any better).

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    Merkur 34C, couple soaps (Red Leaf-Black Tea is harder to make out), pure badger brush, beginner strop, balsa strop with chromium oxide, couple stands, some blades to try, and a disposal container. I am very happy not only with the purchase, but the customer service. They were almost out of the Astra blades and called me after the weekend to ask about a refund or replacement. I'm in Canada (why I decided to order from them) and the free shipping got it to me in a week. Almost every item came wrapped in a plastic bag, I was quite impressed.

    Don't currently have a straight razor, but purchased some items for when it comes. I am still waiting on my replacement straight razor to arrive. It was also a Christmas gift, mistakenly purchased from a potentially questionable vendor by my parents (you can see my introduction thread in the beginner section for more details). Hopefully nothing is wrong with the straight when it finally arrives.

    I've tried shaving with the Merkur a couple times now. Definitely not second nature, but I am glad that it seems rather simple to pick up. Reading on this site and watching youtube videos helped! Got my order Monday, and tried shaving Tuesday. I got a bit excited and did a triple pass shave using the Proraso and the blade that came with the Merkur. The Proraso can really burn! Got it really smooth for the most part, just a couple sections around the jawline I had trouble getting the angle right. A bit of razor burn on the neck, and possibly the beginnings of ingrown hairs along the upper lip. Tried again tonight using the Red Leaf soap, and decided to shave my head and face. The head went well, just did a WTG pass. Back of the head was a bit tricky to get the angle again. Bit of razor burn on the upper lip, but otherwise a nice WTG shave.

    Overall I'm ecstatic with the experience, and love just taking my time and learning something new. The shave is far superior to a cartridge razor, even with the razor burn and sensitive skin (I hate the stupid lubrication strips on cartridges with a passion...) Lots more to learn and gain experience with, but I'm looking forward to it!

  2. #2
    Contains ingredients Tack's Avatar
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    Nice conversion! Be sure to tell your parents how much you enjoy your "haul".

    I have great faith in fools - self confidence my friends call it.

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth Leatherstockiings's Avatar
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    Looks like you are on the right track. Good luck with your shaves!

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