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Thread: Re-arranged my den/showcase

  1. #11
    Senior Member RollinCoal69's Avatar
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    I was thinking maybe one or two more DE's would round it out nicely. I thought I was an addict. Feeling pretty good about my "addiction" now. Thanks! An if you ever want to unload any of those gillettes you can reach me here. LOL no seriously
    dslazar9 likes this.
    "The black smoke is just lost power"

  2. #12
    Moderator rolodave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dslazar9 View Post
    The wanted posters are a feature my wife insisted on that she thinks goes with a shave collection: "mug shots." Since she (as an antique collector/dealer) has acquired much of my collection for me I happily went along with that.
    Not everyone is as lucky. Have you counted your lucky stars recently?

    Great collection!

    If you don't care where you are, you are not lost.

  3. #13
    Senior Member dslazar9's Avatar
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    It's nice to know that there's always somebody worse off out there, I'm happy I am able to play that role for you.
    The ones in cases I have just for display. I have shaver examples of most of them that are not as pristine and perfect for shaving. I have given away most
    of the Gillette's to newbies-I'm a bit of a pied piper for wet shaving, I've recruited a lot of friends and relatives and sucked them into my (our) hobby. I do have a bunch of
    extra Schick Injectors if you are interested. Those actually make for nice shavers. They are particularly good for travel as you can bring them on the plane if you only want to take carry-on (usually how I try to travel). My favorite is the adjustable Schick, but I don't have any spare ones.
    Last edited by dslazar9; 05-24-2014 at 07:33 PM.

  4. #14
    Senior Member dslazar9's Avatar
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    Yes, I recognize I am extremely fortunate for my wife on so many levels. This is merely a small (ok massive) bonus. There are multiple antique stores and dealers she works with that hold all of their shave items for me before trying to sell them. I get first dibs, but also happily assist them in letting them know what they have. Most of the shave items they get are there as part of an estate or collection of something else and usually not the main focus. I thank these folk early and often. They often just give me their old razors because they know I pass them on to newbies and trust I will not take something that has value. Most of the items given to me have been beaten up Gillette Superspeeds/Olds-News that are perfect for beginner DE shavers.

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