Thanks for the info and compliments. I like them both. Pretty much look like I found them in the Antique store. Just cleaned and soaked them in alcohol for a bit.
I think, I'll take RezDogs advice on one of them. I've been a knife guy my whole life and jumped in both feet with Straights. I have a small collection and a couple of them needed work to get shaving, including honing. The Wade & Butcher is frustrating me though. Every time I think I'm there -- I try a shave test and it fails.
The Special A1 gives a good shave through. My experience is they get better after the initial few shaves. Don't know if that is my honing ability, shaving technique or normal. But I've had the same experience with the few shave ready razors I've bought too. Anyway, if that is the case with this one, it will be a favorite in no time.