Trust me I am so glad that I will never have to ride in a c130 ever again. Most uncomfortable ride ever and forget about trying to sleep.

The desert dome.... memories or lack there of. I would never go there if there was a ship in but if it was the last day of shift (I was an MA) I would hurry up and change and hit up the desert dome and do a power hour before they closed. For those of you not in the know a power hour is a shot of beer every minute for an hour. It is 5 beers in one hour and gets you where your going pretty fast. Then you can hit up rock bottoms or some better clubs with less shore patrol. I remember this one place called the Warbler. Never saw shore patrol there.

What did you say to Ashton. That he was great and then when he said thanks you said "you just got punk'd" because yeah that would be pretty funny and then someone else could have been like "bbbuuurrrnnn!!!".