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Thread: Red Imp Straight Razor 133

  1. #1
    Junior Member Brandonii54's Avatar
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    Default Red Imp Straight Razor 133

    I opened my mailbox today and received my first SR that I have been impatiently waiting for. It is a Red Imp. I would first like to say thank you;

    @Engine46 assisted me in finding it on eBay, and he found a razor by the same seller that he wanted as well, so he purchased both to save on shipping, and to make sure it was truly shave ready for me, he stropped it before sending it to me. I have read some horror stories about how some people package the razors for shipping, but @engine46 packaged this thing so there was absolutely no way for damage.

    I have never had good luck with post offices, time wise, and this was no different. Due to the "christmas season" it sat in the USPS's warehouse for the better part of a week, waiting to be shipped out to me. I guess it's a good lesson in patience! In the meantime I received a strop, and brush/soap/bowl off of amazon, which was torture as I had nothing to shave with. This was not Steve's fault at all.

    Anyway! I am very excited, and here are some pictures! They aren't the best, as I haven't perfected the art of SR photos, but hopefully I will :P
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    I would also like to thank @cudarunner as well for being very helpful. From my first welcome post the people here have been more than helpful, and friendly, and welcoming, which is really hard to find. I will be having my first shave tonight, and if I never post again, just know it was because I severed my carotid artery. As I said before, i am very excited to have received the razor, and even more excited that I will have stuff to post about now!
    Wish me luck!

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth engine46's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brandonii54 View Post
    I opened my mailbox today and received my first SR that I have been impatiently waiting for. It is a Red Imp. I would first like to say thank you;

    @Engine46 assisted me in finding it on eBay, and he found a razor by the same seller that he wanted as well, so he purchased both to save on shipping, and to make sure it was truly shave ready for me, he stropped it before sending it to me. I have read some horror stories about how some people package the razors for shipping, but @engine46 packaged this thing so there was absolutely no way for damage.

    I have never had good luck with post offices, time wise, and this was no different. Due to the "christmas season" it sat in the USPS's warehouse for the better part of a week, waiting to be shipped out to me. I guess it's a good lesson in patience! In the meantime I received a strop, and brush/soap/bowl off of amazon, which was torture as I had nothing to shave with. This was not Steve's fault at all.

    Anyway! I am very excited, and here are some pictures! They aren't the best, as I haven't perfected the art of SR photos, but hopefully I will :P
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    I would also like to thank @cudarunner as well for being very helpful. From my first welcome post the people here have been more than helpful, and friendly, and welcoming, which is really hard to find. I will be having my first shave tonight, and if I never post again, just know it was because I severed my carotid artery. As I said before, i am very excited to have received the razor, and even more excited that I will have stuff to post about now!
    Wish me luck!
    Good deal! Glad you finally got it................
    MJC and Redcane like this.

  3. #3
    Greaves is my friend !!! gooser's Avatar
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    nice !! i have a couple IMP's .. good shavers !!
    engine46 and Brandonii54 like this.

  4. #4
    Str8Faced Gent. MikeB52's Avatar
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    Good on ya Eng.
    How's the shave? Imps still on my acquire list as well.
    engine46 likes this.
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  5. #5
    Junior Member Brandonii54's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MikeB52 View Post
    Good on ya Eng.
    How's the shave? Imps still on my acquire list as well.
    I am just reading up and watching some videos on technique before I give it a shot.
    engine46 likes this.

  6. #6
    MJC is offline
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    They are amazing shavers and hold an edge very well.

    Pay. Close. Attention. To. That. Point/Tip...

    And if you are starting out you might want to seek out a mentor.
    You can learn more in an hour with a mentor that you can on your own in 30 is time well spent.

    Keep us posted and Smooth Shaving..
    engine46 likes this.
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  7. #7
    Junior Member Brandonii54's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MJC View Post
    They are amazing shavers and hold an edge very well.

    Pay. Close. Attention. To. That. Point/Tip...

    And if you are starting out you might want to seek out a mentor.
    You can learn more in an hour with a mentor that you can on your own in 30 is time well spent.

    Keep us posted and Smooth Shaving..
    Just had my first shave, no cuts, no nicks, whoo.
    I have a full beard, so I only do my cheeks, and my neck. I did 3 passes, first WTG, second WTG/XTG and third ATG. The cheeks were a breeze. They have never been smoother. The neck was a little trickier, especially around my adams apple, and underneath my ears which i can't see too good. My neck is not as smooth as my cheeks in some places, but again a pretty close shave, but I can see room for improvement. My neck was also red for about 10 minutes after. I finished my shave with a hot towel and clubman pinuad after shave.
    The whole shave including prep took exactly 30 minutes, and I played some nice classical music during.

    I dried my razor with toilet paper, and inbetween the scales as well. I stropped it 10 times, very hesitantly, but full strokes. I need to work on my stropping technique, and was more worried I was going to dull the edge.

    Does anyone have any tips for underneath the ears on the neck, and around the adams apple?
    engine46 likes this.

  8. #8
    Senior Member nipper's Avatar
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    Great start! The more you do it the better you will get. Keep an eye on the blade angle by watching the spine, use little pressure, stretch the skin, smoth strokes. There's more but you are doing fine. Enjoy the journey.
    engine46 likes this.

  9. #9
    Junior Member Brandonii54's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nipper View Post
    Great start! The more you do it the better you will get. Keep an eye on the blade angle by watching the spine, use little pressure, stretch the skin, smoth strokes. There's more but you are doing fine. Enjoy the journey.
    Thank you. Some tips I kept in mind while shaving;
    Use as little pressure as possible, keep the blade angle very low to my face, and do short smooth strokes.
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  10. #10
    Member BearRae50's Avatar
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    Looks good and +1 to Engine for the assist.
    MJC and engine46 like this.
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