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Thread: found a brother to one of my GREAVES

  1. #11
    Greaves is my friend !!! gooser's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hirlau View Post
    Look familiar Gooser ?

    Attachment 192593

    Attachment 192594

    This is what lies underneath that "black coating" on those scales. I believe the scales to be turtle, as many turtles are seen wth the black coating in the wild, such as those swamp , water turtles,, that coating is removed to get those nice combs & such you see. I could be wrong, but maybe not,,,
    45 minutes of EZ-Off Heavy Duty on the entire razor, ate the black off,,, brushed off with a toothbrush & dish soap,,, loosened the surface rust, left the washers shiny,,, the blade was wirked with steel wool & 3m paper,,,,

    Attachment 192600

    Attachment 192601

    Attachment 192603

    Attachment 192604
    I bet these scales are the same .. ive been looking at them since I got it cause they are paper thin compared to most and have a diff texture .., now I wonder and am gonna clean up the unbroken/shattered side ..!! .. the no stamped side was beyond repair , it was a sham as it was missing large parts ...
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  2. #12
    Senior Member Crackers's Avatar
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    Could just use one of these?

    A good lather is half the shave.

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  4. #13
    Greaves is my friend !!! gooser's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hirlau View Post
    There's no way I would remove/replace the scales on the black one, unless they are damaged. Those scales would clean up beautifully,,, IMO
    tip was missing on reverse side of pics all the way to the pin ( gone) and 2 cracks around wedge pin with a piece missing (no where to be found ) I agree though , I don't make a habit of removing old scales unless I have too , I was goona use but where end was missing by pivot pin it finished its break when I opened the razor when I was going to hone .. on a side note after seeing your pictures it sucks that the original was so damaged but on a bright side the honey horn I ordered couple days ago is gonna match just right and since the first Greaves one I had of this came in a beat up pair of wood scales I will have 2 now with the outfit close to what they should have on them ..!
    after a clean up ..

    Last edited by gooser; 02-06-2015 at 04:42 AM.
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  5. #14
    Senior Member blabbermouth engine46's Avatar
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    [QUOTE=Hirlau;1456851]Look familiar Gooser ?

    This is what lies underneath that "black coating" on those scales. I believe the scales to be turtle, as many turtles are seen wth the black coating in the wild, such as those swamp , water turtles,, that coating is removed to get those nice combs & such you see. I could be wrong, but maybe not,,,
    45 minutes of EZ-Off Heavy Duty on the entire razor, ate the black off,,, brushed off with a toothbrush & dish soap,,, loosened the surface rust, left the washers shiny,,, the blade was wirked with steel wool & 3m paper,,,,

    I need to check all the Greaves I have. I have quite a few W Greaves!

  6. #15
    Greaves is my friend !!! gooser's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hirlau View Post
    Look familiar Gooser ?

    This is what lies underneath that "black coating" on those scales. I believe the scales to be turtle, as many turtles are seen wth the black coating in the wild, such as those swamp , water turtles,, that coating is removed to get those nice combs & such you see. I could be wrong, but maybe not,,,
    45 minutes of EZ-Off Heavy Duty on the entire razor, ate the black off,,, brushed off with a toothbrush & dish soap,,, loosened the surface rust, left the washers shiny,,, the blade was wirked with steel wool & 3m paper,,,,

    I need to check all the Greaves I have. I have quite a few W Greaves!
    chop chop !! get to cleaning those babys !! we wanna see more pics

  7. #16
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Just to be safe , if you go Ez Off on those type of scales,,, leave 25 to 30,,, then check
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  8. #17
    Senior Member blabbermouth engine46's Avatar
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    Here's one similar that sold for $113 on eBay but it has a worked spine. It also has 1814 scratched into the bug bitten scales.
    Attached Images Attached Images        
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  9. #18
    Senior Member ScienceGuy's Avatar
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    Guys, that is all horn. It was very common practice to dye lighter horn to a black color. Often If you take old black scales and sand them you will expose the undyed blonde or brown surface underneath. Tortoise would not have had any kind of coating. I would also not expect to see it much on more common pattern razors like these.
    gooser and silverloaf like this.

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    engine46 (02-06-2015)

  11. #19
    Senior Member blabbermouth engine46's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScienceGuy View Post
    Guys, that is all horn. It was very common practice to dye lighter horn to a black color. Often If you take old black scales and sand them you will expose the undyed blonde or brown surface underneath. Tortoise would not have had any kind of coating. I would also not expect to see it much on more common pattern razors like these.
    That explains why I had some black scale material I once made scales from & when I got them thin enough, they had a transparency to them. Thanks ScienceGuy!
    Last edited by engine46; 02-06-2015 at 10:12 PM.

  12. #20
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScienceGuy View Post
    Guys, that is all horn. It was very common practice to dye lighter horn to a black color. Often If you take old black scales and sand them you will expose the undyed blonde or brown surface underneath. Tortoise would not have had any kind of coating. I would also not expect to see it much on more common pattern razors like these.
    I can't dissagree with you,,, your knowledge of razor history is well known,,
    but here are some facts that stir me away from dye,,,, that black you see is a "coating" & thick,,, it was not a dye or stain,,,,I guess it could have been a black dye/paint such as a thick house latex paint that we see today. I discoverd this pattern while working the blade under water,,, it became tacky & smelled of animal,,, it "peeled" off,,,,, once cleaned the remaining scales have failed to stink of animal.
    I have held many old water turtles that seemd to match visially the outer top shell,,, as you know the bottom can vary in pattern,,,, it's ironic that processed shell merchandise,,,combs, etc... have a similar look,,,

    I'm not convinced that they are turtle either,,, I just cant buy the dye theory,,,,

    Yes, the finished product feels like horn,,,,, but what is a turtle's shell made of??? I don't know,,,,
    Last edited by Hirlau; 02-06-2015 at 10:08 PM.

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