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Thread: My C.H. Ina repmacement.

  1. #1
    Senior Member admvalentine's Avatar
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    Default My C.H. Ina repmacement.

    Just arrived in the mail tiday its a F.A.Claubergit has some spine wear but all my razors do but the first thing i noticed was how light it was compaired to my C.H. Ina is this normal?

  2. #2
    It's bloodletting with style! - Jim KindestCutOfAll's Avatar
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    Depend on grinds, width of blades, etc.

    Pics would help.
    May your lather be moist and slick, the sweep of your razor sure, and your edge always keen!

  3. #3
    Senior Member admvalentine's Avatar
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    some new info i found on it. its a 4/8 and i do believe it has a singing blade because when im doing the thumb test with verry little pressure it is screaming at me.

  4. #4
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by admvalentine View Post

    some new info i found on it. its a 4/8 and i do believe it has a singing blade because when im doing the thumb test with verry little pressure it is screaming at me.
    When shaving; A 4/8 can be tricky, the angles change Very Quickly. Just a little FYI; with that said, take a good look at the heel, from the pic it looks like the stabilizer 'might' be in the way (very, very close to the edge).

    Since you are bound and determined to learn to hone, keep that in mind. You will find out Right Away when you go to set the bevel. Take a Good Look at the stabilizer, if it's getting shiny, then you may have a problem.

    Do this 'Before' you clean it up! There is no sense wasting time and materials to make a razor pretty only to find that you have either a nice display piece or a fancy letter opener.

    Enjoy the ride!
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  5. #5
    Senior Member admvalentine's Avatar
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    well i honed her stropped 60 on fabric 100 on leather forgot the crox but the white blade edge went away super easy on this razor. Im going to hit a meeting then i shall come home and shave.... More to report later

  6. #6
    Senior Member admvalentine's Avatar
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    well i shaved and here are my new concernes. in my hand it feels like a shavette which is what i started on, but after I used a straight i no longer like. it is verry light the angles i didnt have a problem with, however im certain that has to do with the fact that i sport a go-tee so all the problems other noobs have with that area never applied to me because I have never had to shave my mustache or chin.this razor sharpened super easy and i would have to say because the last owner took care of it. i took a three pass shave as usual and my concearnes are that the blade is verry loud and i think i can feel it being springy on my face. I dont know any other way to say it but i have verry thisk black hair and i feel it flex. maybe its not sharp enough although it passes hht and arm shaves sweet but my arn and chest hair( im a head shaver and i have to get hair from my chest for hht) are verry fine and thin compaired to my face. ill give it a few more days, but this razor could turn into a pif in the near future...

  7. #7
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Yes it's normal for such razors to be light - there's just much less steel than on a larger razor with heavier grind. You can see how little metal there is on the spine compared to say a dovo razor and when the grind is full hollow the spine is where most of the steel remains.
    As far as sharpening - it has virtually no hone wear - see how crisp the hone line along the spine is as well as the bevel width - this means you're getting it very close to the factory state and they used to be made really well.

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