So I went to an estate sale today and found a box of razor stuff.

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I see some straights poking out from under a life time's supply of DE blades. I'm thinking, well this is interesting. First thing I see under the DE blades is a Dubl Duck Satinedge totally consumed by cell rot. I put the razor in the baggy when I got home it isolate it.

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Next under that is the box for the dubl duck.

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Except....... as I go to move it to look at the razors underneath, it's not empty. Something is in there. But from the looks of the first one I saw, if it is a dubl duck, it's going to be a cell rot nightmare too.

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To my surprise, while not in perfect condition, and some hone wear, with a little cleaning, it should be a pretty nice 6/8 Wonderedge.

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I was pretty stoked and didn't pay a whole lot of attention to the other straights or hones in the box. With a quick look I could see the cell rotted dubl duck had started to corrode the others.

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So I go up to the guy and ask him how much for the box of razor stuff. He gives it a quick look see and asks what will you offer me? I'm thinking this is the beginning of negotiations so I say five bucks. VERY excitedly he says SOLD!!! He was so happy to have this junk out of his house. In a very nonchalant way, with as much control as I can, I reach for my wallet, pull out the $5 and give it to him. He happily takes it and says thanks for doing business. I reply, well, now your sh-- is my sh--. He got a good chuckle out of that. I grab my wife by the elbow and say I think we should leave. We get to the car and she asks me why I'm in such a hurry. I say I want to get out of here before the police come. The police? Ya, I just robbed that guy.

But, in reality he was VERY happy to have what was useless to him out of his house, and his wallet $5 heavier. I was obviously happy. The joys of capitalism.

Stranger things have happened out in the wild.