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Thread: I got lucky i think

  1. #1
    rhensley rhensley's Avatar
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    Default I got lucky i think

    Name:  sheffield 2.jpg
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Size:  40.4 KBThe first razor is a 6/8 I think. it was described as bone scales. It's a Sheffield C Congrieves. I really don't thin the scales are bone. I hope there not plastic. the other is a wosty. 6/8 and horn scales. neither is in too bad of shape I think . I just hope there in my ability to clean up and hone. anyway this gives me 2 to play with.
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    Heavy grinds are all about taking the extra time needed to get the bevel perfect. Some need rolling strokes as well to get good coverage. You need to see how they behave on the stones.

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Very nice indeed, should clean up nicely. I generally start with a brass brush, dish soap and water before going to sanding. Good luck,

  4. #4
    rhensley rhensley's Avatar
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    I know the color is a little off but i'm hoping that the C Congrieves scales are old ivory but from the photos I see no chips or cracks so if they are bone that will be ok to.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member Ernie1980's Avatar
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    Either way it goes with the handle material, those blades look like they will clean up well! I am starting to like the heavy grinds better for my daily shaving, but haven't tried to hone one just yet. Keep us posted!
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  6. #6
    rhensley rhensley's Avatar
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    They came in the mail today and I was surprised. Both turned out to be 7/8 instead of 6/8 and the yellow one is ivory. The Wostenholme was in pretty good shape I unpinned it and cleaned and polished. you can see the grind marks from when it was made and the scales have a small bug bite. I really don't know how far I will take it before I put it back together. The C Congrieves is a little different story. I unpinned it and cleaned the scales and put them in something that is suppose to clean them back to what they should be. I hope. the blade well i'm wearing out sheats of sand paper one after another. I know I can make it shave but whether or not it ever get's looking good I don't know.

  7. #7
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    That Congreve is quite rare, I think. Some history here. If you want, I will dig it up.
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  8. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    Sometimes too it is in part about how much time you are willing to put in. I have had some that I sanded and sanded and then sanded a little more to get past the pitting, in the end they were very nice, but I was not left feeling like it was time well spent. To take a near perfect razor and give it back its original finish is more easily done, but to hand sand what is essentially a regrind I'm not sure is where I like to go. Just to the point where it is a rust free razor that looks good for a hundred and will be in service for a great amount of time to come seems to be my happy medium for the most part. It's ok to look older if you are a hundred years old.
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  9. #9
    rhensley rhensley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RezDog View Post
    Sometimes too it is in part about how much time you are willing to put in. I have had some that I sanded and sanded and then sanded a little more to get past the pitting, in the end they were very nice, but I was not left feeling like it was time well spent. To take a near perfect razor and give it back its original finish is more easily done, but to hand sand what is essentially a regrind I'm not sure is where I like to go. Just to the point where it is a rust free razor that looks good for a hundred and will be in service for a great amount of time to come seems to be my happy medium for the most part. It's ok to look older if you are a hundred years old.
    At this point I don't know which looks older me or the razor. I got looking ok. not great but ok. I got all the rust off it and theres just a few places where there's some devil's spit but not enough to make that much difference. I will start putting them back together and hone them. I may keep the wosty it's kind of nice but I haven't made up my mind yet on the C Congrieves.
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  10. #10
    rhensley rhensley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharptonn View Post
    That Congreve is quite rare, I think. Some history here. If you want, I will dig it up.
    If it's not too much trouble I would like to know a little more about this one. I don't know for sure but I believe it will hone up good. the shape is interesting a sway back with a smile and a thumb notch. It might look good in a case. I really think it's ivory but the color throws me off. I cleaned it with soft scrub and then soaked it in polly dent . the same stuff I use for my dentures. still yellow. is this something common.
    Last edited by rhensley; 08-28-2015 at 01:10 AM.
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