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Thread: My first Fleabay win....

  1. #1
    Member RazorCut's Avatar
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    Default My first Fleabay win....

    So I just won my first auction which was uncontested by another bidder. That makes me feel like I missed something in the photos. Please take a gander and educate me on what you notice. Vintage Columbia Cutlery Co Straight Razor Extra Hollow Ground Worcester MA | eBay

    Please don't hold back! I have considered this a $15 learning investment /experiment as this will be my first restoration effort. [emoji2]

    Hey and if things go well I just landed myself a new Str8t on the cheap[emoji39]
    Insert witty statement here, T.B.D.

  2. #2
    Member RazorCut's Avatar
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    Of course once it cimes in I will take better photos for comparison
    Insert witty statement here, T.B.D.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Ernie1980's Avatar
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    Not too bad overall- little hone wear, only minor corrosion, and no frown. Also, the scales are intact! What would worry me is the possible rust/pitting on the very edge. For $15, it is a good way to start down the Ebay restoration road. So what are your plans with it?
    RezDog likes this.

  4. #4
    Senior Member monkeypuzzlebeefeater's Avatar
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    I like it. At that price I'd definitely have bid on it. There is some concern near the edge but with a bit of work that should turn out to be a nice buy. Are you going to attempt a restore yourself?

  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Think you did good. It will give you experiences in cleanup and honeing. Can't wait to see pictures after you clean it up.

  6. #6
    Senior Member Ernie1980's Avatar
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    Just a word of caution- flea bay browsing can be addictive I have too many razors because of this!!
    Geezer, HARRYWALLY and jfk742 like this.

  7. #7
    Senior Member MattCB's Avatar
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    I have that same razor. Great shaver. This one may or may not be a beauty when cleaned up, but that's half the fun
    The older I get the more I realize how little I actually know.

  8. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth tintin's Avatar
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    i would worry about the rust on the edge, it may or may not hone out,but your not out much and it will be good practice for honing.

  9. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    As other have said that corrosion may be a pain. Get a good clean bevel set on that one before you put any time into it.
    It's not what you know, it's who you take fishing!

  10. #10
    'with that said' cudarunner's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RezDog View Post
    As other have said that corrosion may be a pain. Get a good clean bevel set on that one before you put any time into it.
    My friend has just given you some Sound Counsel! There is No Reason to spend your time and materials on something that won't take an edge.

    With that said, 'IF' you don't hone but would like to clean the razor up and have someone else hone for you just for the experience. Please do. I know this sounds hypocritical but what I suggest for 'clean up' would be just some Mothers Mag and Aluminum Wheel Polish or MASS or something similar. Once you get that done you 'might' see more about the damage.

    'IF' you want to go to a little more cleaning, just start with some 2K 3M wet and dry and see what you have. If you want to go lower do so ever so slowly. It's much easier to go back up to remove sand scratches if you haven't put deep ones in!

    Remember that not every razor needs or should have a 'Near Mirror' finish. I have done many with just a satin finish and they look great!

    The scales 'look horn' but I may be wrong. If they are plastic or celluloid, give them a light sanding with some 3M 2K wet and dry then use the Mothers on them. If they are horn, while a soaking overnight in Neatsfoot Oil will do wonders and then you could sand them. It's likely that the pivot would loosen. So you could just keep applying some Neatsfoot Oil to the outside of the scales and let it soak in and then finish them. It all depends on how much you know and can do!

    I 'think' it'll be a great looker and shaver! Congratulations on a nice purchase!

    By the way; I've found that many places that carry 'wet and dry' sandpaper carry an inferior product compared to 3M. What they carry is meant for just sanding wood or the finishes. Working on Steel takes a Quality Wet and Dry Sandpaper.
    RazorCut likes this.
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