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Thread: 3 from the wild..

  1. #11
    Truth is weirder than any fiction.. Grazor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HARRYWALLY View Post
    That Antonberg has a bit of a smiling edge too. That's another win for that blade.
    Yep, that's the pick of the bunch. Can't beat a smile. [emoji4]
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    Into this house we're born, into this world we're thrown ~ Jim Morrison

  2. #12
    Matt MW76's Avatar
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    Im back in the razor lab for the afternoon. I have a few longer term projects to get started, but i figured since this is such a good snag it should jump the line. I try to work on these things in the order i obtain them, so as to not drive myself up the wall deciding what to work on next.

    So the pin on the Antonberg is extremely loose, and definitely has no collars.

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    Id say ive re-pinned about 10 razors at this point.. but im wondering if i can peen these in the normal fashion, and how delicate the material is? Should i even attempt it..

    I have all day to work on it, so ill wait till i get some possible suggestions. I'm planning to just wash these up with some soap and a toothbrush, tighten up the pivot and then hit the stones.

    In the meantime i have a few other old blades that are begging for an edge.
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  3. #13
    Senior Member blabbermouth outback's Avatar
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    You can... Just sneek up on the tension. Tap,tap,tap...check.
    Turn over, tap,tap,tap...check.
    I just wouldn't try to get them really tight. And for the love of god!!! Make sure to strike the outside edge of the pin. If not,they will expand and crack the scales..
    Are ya scarred yet...its only ivory ya know.. Har!!
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  4. #14
    Matt MW76's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by outback View Post
    Are ya scarred yet...its only ivory ya know.. Har!!
    Uh yeah.. just a little.

    Ill take it slow and wont try to get them super tight. Just the outside of the pin eh? Like right next to the dang ivory.

    I'm gonna strap on the optivisor and give this a shot.

    Deep breath... focus.
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  5. #15
    Matt MW76's Avatar
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    Well i got the pins tightened up. Actually i wouldn't say tight i would say snug. Gave it a quick polish and honed her up.

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    Thanks for the tip Mike. I spent quite some time tapping the pins back down. The holes were recessed on the outside so it got a little tricky at the end. I did have the scales pretty tight for a bit but it loosened up a little. I figured good enough.
    dinnermint and outback like this.

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