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Thread: Work Was Wrecked, And Awash With Mechanical Failures.

  1. #1
    Senior Member Crawler's Avatar
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    Default Work Was Wrecked, And Awash With Mechanical Failures.

    About eight hours before I walked in to start my workday, the oven in our bread factory tried to "frag" itself this morning. So unless I wanted to spend my whole twelve hour shift doing Sanitation duty, my shift was canceled today. They are re-running the shift tomorrow, and none of this will take away my holiday pay for working last night .

    Cons: I was already expecting to work today. And who knows what kind of -storm I'll walk into tomorrow!

    Pros: Not affecting my paycheck. Contrary to every other week, I don't have to work a twelve two days in a row ! I was downtown on a Wednesday afternoon, with an opening in my schedule ... (If I'm not at work, I normally don't get up & around until the antique shops are closed . )

    My telecommuting wife still had another hour or more of work before she'd be wondering what we were gonna do. So in the txt briefing her about work, I said I was gonna pop into an antique store or two on my way home. The usual spots (the few I frequent) were fished out, sadly.

    I found the only SR left was huddled together with micrometers, indicators, and other engineering & utilitarian items on the shelf of a glass case... in an antique mall filling a third of a former Super K-Mart.

    I'm rambling. Maybe. Here are the pics!
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    The hone wear could be worse.
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    Unfortunately, the tang "stamp" is only etched on.
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    George Wostenholm & Son, Celebrated IXL Razor!
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    The scales... have character.
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    The grind.
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    Pretty good shape, IMO. For $12 (haggling allowed starting at $25 ...), I was somewhat ecstatic that it was intact and a well regarded brand. The scales are homemade, quite bulky, and the blade contacts one side. Might keep them in a drawer.

    First, I think I'll try some MAAS on the electric toothbrush I bought for razor restoration. Then maybe 800 grit sandpaper if needed. And new scales.
    Decades away from full-beard growing abilities.

  2. #2
    Senior Member rodb's Avatar
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    Cool blade!

    Before you try sandpaper, try 0000 steel wool and MAAS. The sandpaper might mess up the etch.
    Geezer, BobH, RezDog and 3 others like this.

  3. #3
    Senior Member Crawler's Avatar
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    Yea, the etches look in pretty good shape. I am not trying to destroy them. This will be a "minimally invasive" restoration lol.
    Decades away from full-beard growing abilities.

  4. #4
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    That is a great candidate for going into a tumbler.
    rodb, BobH, RezDog and 2 others like this.

  5. #5
    Senior Member Crawler's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Utopian View Post
    That is a great candidate for going into a tumbler.
    Too bad I don't have a tumbler lol. I have ready access to plentiful oat bran. Maybe I can fill a 20 oz soda bottle with it, drop the blade in, and have it in my pocket while I go about my workday. I average between 8 and 13 miles walked/jogged every day at work. Poor man's tumbler ?? Lol.
    Decades away from full-beard growing abilities.

  6. #6
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    Hey, if that works i could tie a bottle on the catwalk of my truck for a couple days. That would rattle it around a bunch. It rattles me all day.
    Crawler, Thug, Dieseld and 1 others like this.
    It's just Sharpening, right?

  7. #7
    Giveaway Guy Dieseld's Avatar
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    That is one pretty cool razor In like it
    Geezer, Crawler and outback like this.
    Look sharp and smell nice for the ladies.~~~Benz
    Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring ― Marilyn Monroe

  8. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth outback's Avatar
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    Nice find, I left you a PM
    Crawler and Dieseld like this.

  9. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth Geezer's Avatar
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    For sanding over an etch, use Mylar backed grits.
    The backing is stiff and will not dig into the lower level of the etch and rub away the bright top of the etch.
    Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
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  10. The Following User Says Thank You to Geezer For This Useful Post:

    RezDog (07-15-2017)

  11. #10
    Senior Member Crawler's Avatar
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    After about 16 hours of elapsed time, and roughly 24,000 steps, there is at least some noticeable difference in appearance. The only other thing I've done is used both ends of a "one sided" toothpick to try and rub off the thick/red rust that was in a few spots after the initial ~18,200 steps & 12 hours elapsed. I also removed the scales that same night.

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    I wonder how much better walnut shell would perform over oat bran, for this purpose?? So far, the only walnut shell I've found locally is 25-50 lbs. at Harbor Freight.
    Decades away from full-beard growing abilities.

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