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Thread: Rolls Razor & Boker

  1. #1
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    Default Rolls Razor & Boker

    I picked up this Rolls Razor as well as a Boker King Cutter off the local Kijiji today, for a good price. The guy I bought them from said that they belonged to the father of the woman from whom they bought their house. As you can see, the Rolls came in the original gift box. I have no idea they've been sitting around, but they are both shave ready, incredibly. They could both use a cleaning, however, especially the Rolls Razor.

    The Rolls has some wear on the hone and strop, but it's where the handle rubs against them - it seems to be in ok condition where the blade hits, although it's not perfectly flat. I'll look into what to do about this.

    I had been keeping my eye out for a well-priced Rolls Razor for a while now, so when I saw this, I jumped on it.

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  2. #2
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    A few ways to store the handle. Get it out of there as using the stropping/honing features.
    Storing it as you pictured is fine, but interferes with everything else.
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  3. #3
    JP5 is offline
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    Nice find. A lot of times it is hard to find good deals locally on familiar brands. A lot of people see Boker and assume it will sell for asuch as their pocket knives.
    Rolls looks to be in pretty good shape, probably better than mine. They may not be a favorite for a lot of SR users, but it seems like a clever design. I need to give mine a test shave someday soon after I clean it some more.
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  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    Being as I am far from everything, I am always envious of locals finds. Those look like great finds.
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  5. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Nice local finds. Judging by the label in the bottom of the Rolls box, this was possibly a Christmas gift. You lucked out with the hone too as a lot of them are cracked and broken. They are very thin so be careful with it. The Rolls honed up shaves well being the blade is really a short straight razor blade. Enjoy your finds.

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    After looking at the blade of the Rolls Razor with a loupe today, I discovered it wasn't in as good shape as I originally thought. There was some corrosion along the edge, which had caused an uneven edge, and some chipping. So, with some difficulty, I smoothed out the edge and attempted to reset the bevel. I was successful in getting rid of the chips and getting down to good steel (very complicated with that safety bar), but wasn't able to set the bevel yet. I ran out of time and patience. I'll try again later.

    A couple weeks ago, I had discovered some microchips on the edge of the King Cutter, so I got rid of those and set the bevel. I managed my first shave off of a 1k, and was pleasantly surprised at how well it went. Today I finally had time to hone it up to 8k, and hopefully will be able to test shave it next weekend (I don't like to test shave blades on days I need to work, in case I get really bad irritation). If the test shave goes well, I'll finish it on my new coticule.

  7. #7
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    Congrads on the progress. Its fun bringi g old stuff back in service. Ive never tried the rolls yet. Someday i will run across one.
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    Quote Originally Posted by joelkerr View Post
    After looking at the blade of the Rolls Razor with a loupe today, I discovered it wasn't in as good shape as I originally thought. There was some corrosion along the edge, which had caused an uneven edge, and some chipping. So, with some difficulty, I smoothed out the edge and attempted to reset the bevel. I was successful in getting rid of the chips and getting down to good steel (very complicated with that safety bar), but wasn't able to set the bevel yet. I ran out of time and patience. I'll try again later.

    A couple weeks ago, I had discovered some microchips on the edge of the King Cutter, so I got rid of those and set the bevel. I managed my first shave off of a 1k, and was pleasantly surprised at how well it went. Today I finally had time to hone it up to 8k, and hopefully will be able to test shave it next weekend (I don't like to test shave blades on days I need to work, in case I get really bad irritation). If the test shave goes well, I'll finish it on my new coticule.
    That safety bar can be popped off at the end with two pins. It comes off easily but watch your fingers.


  9. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheGeek View Post
    It comes off easily but watch your fingers.


    Yea, I'll say.

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  10. #10
    Senior Member blabbermouth Geezer's Avatar
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    Go slow and careful with the honing on the built in stone. The slap can cause chipping and can dig a divot into the hone with repeated use.
    I have seen a few with the hone shot at one end.

    Double check the timing of where the blade is when you start. Been a while and I don't remember all about getting the blade to the proper position.
    Enjoy your new fun thing!
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