Hey for five bucks I can have these two to work on and find some history about. Anybody know anything about these two could make my searching easier.

This first one the star caught my eye more than anything.
Name:  IMG_20180617_073346.jpg
Views: 115
Size:  52.2 KB
Name:  IMG_20180617_073408.jpg
Views: 132
Size:  46.9 KB
Name:  IMG_20180617_073417.jpg
Views: 121
Size:  37.0 KB

The second one again the emblem caught my eye.
Name:  IMG_20180617_073449.jpg
Views: 101
Size:  48.8 KB
Name:  IMG_20180617_073503.jpg
Views: 117
Size:  44.7 KB
Name:  IMG_20180617_073510.jpg
Views: 124
Size:  46.8 KB