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Thread: Friodur 72 1/2

  1. #1
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Default Friodur 72 1/2

    I got this in the mail today from a gentleman on another forum. A vanilla fudge Henckels 72 1/2 round nose razor. What caught my interest was that it was stamped DR Pat, Deutsches Reich Patents I believe. I had not seen one stamped like that before.

    Here is what the seller had to say about it.

    "Henckels Friodur 72 1/2 stainless steel straight razor, manufactured at the Zwiillingswerk plant Solingen. Blade is 6/8", full hollow round point, scales are plastic with silver inlay. This is an early example, the Friodur patent was granted in 1938 and the term D.R PAT was used until the late 1940's so this is most certainly from a 40's production run... Comes complete with original box and slip of paper detailing the unique Friodur production process."

    Near as I can tell from a quick check the patent year for "Friodur" is right and the use of DR Pat ceased after WWII. Germany having lost the war, it's patents(intellectual properties) were looted by the Allies.

    Another interesting thing is that the slip of paper that came with it was written in 4 languages, German, English, French and Spanish. The last one is a guess on my part.


    Name:  DR-Pat-Friodur.jpg
Views: 397
Size:  113.1 KB

    Name:  DR-Pat-Friodur-b.jpg
Views: 324
Size:  42.8 KB
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  2. #2
    The Shell Whisperer Maximilian's Avatar
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    Is the tang etched or stamped/engraved. All the vintage Friodurs I have seen, including the 72 1/2 which i have 2 in my possession, have the tang engraved front and back. Regardless the 72 1/2 is my to go razor. Never fails. Smooth, sharp and always gives for a satisfying shave.
    BobH likes this.

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  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maximilian View Post
    Is the tang etched or stamped/engraved. All the vintage Friodurs I have seen, including the 72 1/2 which i have 2 in my possession, have the tang engraved front and back. Regardless the 72 1/2 is my to go razor. Never fails. Smooth, sharp and always gives for a satisfying shave.
    I would say the font of the tang, 2nd photo, is etched but the off side, not shown, is stamped. I'll add a phot of the backside.


    Name:  DR-Pat-Friodur-c.jpg
Views: 291
Size:  46.8 KB
    Last edited by BobH; 07-13-2018 at 11:21 PM. Reason: photo added
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  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    I think I have a few of that brand in my selection, I love them. You will too Bob.
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  5. #5
    The Shell Whisperer Maximilian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BobH View Post
    I would say the font of the tang, 2nd photo, is etched but the off side, not shown, is stamped. I'll add a phot of the backside.

    Could have been a limited run which didn't warrant making a stamp for the D.R. Pat addition. Looks to be in excellent shape.

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  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maximilian View Post
    Could have been a limited run which didn't warrant making a stamp for the D.R. Pat addition. Looks to be in excellent shape.
    I keep going back to the markings on the front of the tang and they are recessed not just on the surface. In any event are any of your vintage Friodurs marked DR Pat? Just wondering how much of an oddball the one I have is.

    Could not resist doing an early evening 4 pass test shave and you hit the nail on the head as the shave was very satisfying leaving little for this mornings shave to do.

    Also, the person that ground this razor did a fine job, I think, as evidenced by the very tiny and even bevel.

    celticcrusader and Steel like this.
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  7. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth Steel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BobH View Post
    I keep going back to the markings on the front of the tang and they are recessed not just on the surface. In any event are any of your vintage Friodurs marked DR Pat? Just wondering how much of an oddball the one I have is.

    Could not resist doing an early evening 4 pass test shave and you hit the nail on the head as the shave was very satisfying leaving little for this mornings shave to do.

    Also, the person that ground this razor did a fine job, I think, as evidenced by the very tiny and even bevel.

    Congrats Bob. You can tell you really like this one.
    BobH likes this.
    What a curse be a dull razor; what a prideful comfort a sharp one

  8. #8
    Senior Member celticcrusader's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BobH View Post
    I keep going back to the markings on the front of the tang and they are recessed not just on the surface. In any event are any of your vintage Friodurs marked DR Pat? Just wondering how much of an oddball the one I have is.

    Could not resist doing an early evening 4 pass test shave and you hit the nail on the head as the shave was very satisfying leaving little for this mornings shave to do.

    Also, the person that ground this razor did a fine job, I think, as evidenced by the very tiny and even bevel.


    Bob, nice razor that one came into me for honing just a few weeks back, it was in very good order and took a fine edge.
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  9. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by celticcrusader View Post
    Bob, nice razor that one came into me for honing just a few weeks back, it was in very good order and took a fine edge.
    Thank you, you did indeed put a fine edge on it.

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  10. #10
    The Shell Whisperer Maximilian's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BobH View Post
    In any event are any of your vintage Friodurs marked DR Pat? Just wondering how much of an oddball the one I have is.
    I've literally had hundreds pass through my hands and never seen a DR Pat. Oddball it is ;-)
    BobH likes this.

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