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Thread: W&B Geometry Recovery

  1. #11
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    Default! it was bent, along its longitudinal axis, that is looking down the spine. Bend was through full thickness, both spine and edge and all in between. Though only a degree or so, it gave me fits, but was consistently detectable with reflected light (once it was shiny) from both sides.

    Only the price of a lunch invested, and it does shave a low cost lesson.
    Last edited by Bentlink; 12-22-2018 at 06:28 PM. Reason: Reference
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  2. #12
    Skeptical Member Gasman's Avatar
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    As the others have said.
    Plus you need to read about reshaping the stabilizer. Thats what is going on at that end of the blade. The stabilizer was in the way and caused this odd shape at the beginning of the edge.

    Tape and learning to hone properly for the blade in hand. They are not all perfect but a bent blade can be overcome without damage. I too messed up a couple in the beginning of learning to restore. Just read, understand and ask questions before you start the next one. Its gets better every time.
    sharptonn and outback like this.
    It's just Sharpening, right?

  3. #13
    Senior Member jfk742's Avatar
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    I did a video for that sort of thing not too long ago. The razor I set the bevel on has a little over a millimeters of bend in the spine which also translated to the edge. I just made it smile a little more to get the middle to touch the hone on the concave side of the bend.
    Name:  C524752F-F60C-4AF1-A1A7-D8AE4E5ACA49.jpg
Views: 131
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    The warp is worse than it looks in the pic. I nearly destroyed a brand new Ralf Aust doing the same thing you did.
    Bentlink and outback like this.

  4. The Following User Says Thank You to jfk742 For This Useful Post:

    Bentlink (12-23-2018)

  5. #14
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    well from the restore job on this i dont think it shaves, so dont go on ebay selling it. you need to see about a mentor instead of destroying razors. and stay away from Dr Matt videos ,, read the library and heed what is said about new honers, tape is your friend not to mention not honing the living pee out of a razor there used to be competent guys in Penn, that would be your best bet to find one Tc
    “ I,m getting the impression that everyone thinks I have TIME to fix their bikes”

  6. #15
    aka shooter74743 ScottGoodman's Avatar
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    BOUSCHIE, i will be in the Pensacola area the week of May 27 and id you are interested in anything straightrazor please contact me. I jappen to have learned all aspects from identifying to making....and anything in between.
    jfk742 likes this.
    Southeastern Oklahoma/Northeastern Texas helper. Please don't hesitate to contact me.
    Thank you and God Bless, Scott

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