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Thread: Flea Market Henkels Discovery
05-02-2009, 10:20 PM #1
Flea Market Henkels Discovery
This morning, I ventured out on my monthly quest. Here's what I came home with, in addition to two excellent Gillette Slim Adjustables. Please consider this to be the "before" photo of my newly acquired vintage "Henkels Discovery" razor with mother-of-pearl scales. Give me a few days, and I'll be able to post an "after". I wouldn't tell you how much I paid, because it would be bragging, and you wouldn't believe it anyway. The scales are in excellent condition. What looks like a crack running through the pin on the tip in the photo is not a crack, it is a part of the mother of pearl design within the scale. After I've put an edge on it and shaved with it, I'll show you how it turns out. Best regards,
Last edited by brothers; 05-02-2009 at 10:27 PM.
05-02-2009, 10:33 PM #2
I never find anything like that at a flea market! How much time do you spend searching them per month? I spend maybe 2 hours a month in antique stores, and have made some great razor and hone finds. Your Henkels looks like a very old one, maybe 1920's vintage? Great shape, too.
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brothers (05-02-2009)
05-02-2009, 11:01 PM #3
They have this one that comes into town once a month. So I go over there and spend a couple of hours. Some days I find something, others not so well. I sure do enjoy the hunt! My best so far, (until today!) was a Torrey with a barber's notch and a smiling blade that I sent to Ken at Ruprazor for a professional honing and he also polished it up like new for me. That one is an outstanding razor. I really don't see myself as a collector, so far, I just enjoy shaving with them.
05-02-2009, 11:35 PM #4
Nice! I never had the pleasure to shave with one, but if their vintage kitchen knives are anything to go by, this is a great find! One of my favourite Henckels is a butcher knive that my grandfather got from his butcher in the '30s when he (the butcher) thought it too far honed away. I still use it with great pleasure today.
05-02-2009, 11:37 PM #5
Great find!
I love hearing about these kinds of finds. I enjoy the hunt also and have found there are GREAT deals out there if we just spend the time away from EBay and look in our own areas. Of course there are not as many different razors available but there are some great finds! I'd love to hear how much you got it for. It may inspire others to stretch their legs, get some fresh air and support their local economy.
I'm anxious to see this blade again after you spend some time with it.“If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got.” (A. Einstein)
05-02-2009, 11:51 PM #6
The gentleman had it marked $10, said he'd already marked it down from $15. I kept holding it and looking at it, telling him I wanted to make it shine again and to sharpen it so I could shave with it, talking about how my grandfather also used a straight razor, and that he was a farmer and didn't take time to shave except on Sunday morning before church, just visiting with him. I didn't say anything about the price, just stood there holding onto it, and he finally said I could have it for $8. I said, OK, I'll go ahead and take it.
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Joed (05-02-2009)
05-03-2009, 12:01 AM #7
I just made a great purchase a few weeks ago in a similar circumstance. The words were different but the sentiment and outcome were the same. We didn't haggle about price nut started putting some things back due to what we thought the price would be. The nice gentleman took the stuff we put back in the purchase pile and gave us a great price. There are very nice people around and it is very refreshing to have an encounter with them. Thanks again for sharing this story with us.
p.s. I you are hunting these down in flea markets you have already been bitten by the Rad bug. Enjoy the experience.Last edited by Joed; 05-03-2009 at 12:03 AM.
“If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got.” (A. Einstein)
05-03-2009, 07:21 AM #8
Great find! It should clean up beautifully & i'm sure you'll love it. Not tried a carbon Henckels, only the Friodurs, but it'll be good!
01-27-2011, 10:19 PM #9
Wow,,,,small world for sure! Hey BROTHERS, uhhhhh I think I just bought this razor from you off of Ebay. It's gotta be the same one, (check the pics) it's got the same markings and the mark on the tip of the scale that you described that looks like a crack but is a line from the mother of pearl/ cracked ice effect on the scale.
Anyways, thanks for an Awesome razor at an Awesome price. Seems like you may have just cleaned up the blade and gave it a nice honing. I've never truly "restored" a razor aside from basic cleaning and honing but I saw a similiar razor to this below that Maxamilian restored and WOW is it awesome. I don't think I would attempt any work on my newly acquired Henckels but I do want to eventually start restoring when I have the time, patience, know-how, and proper tools.
How much would one of the pros around here charge to restore this razor in it's current condition, ball park??????
Thanks again BROTHERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Also...since Henckels kitchen knives were mentioned I must tell a quicky about a recent Goodwill find. I know that new Henckels is not manufactured in Germany anymore but I found a brand-new, in the unopened box 16 piece Henckels Synergy Knife set at my local Goodwill. Paid $30 which is steeeeeeeep for GW's prices but got to looking and the same set on Amazon is like $200. The knives are awesome. Gotta love the thrift shops and flea markets.....I will probably be on an episode of HOARDERS before ya know it
This is amazing!
The Following User Says Thank You to dtrain17 For This Useful Post:
brothers (01-30-2011)
01-27-2011, 10:53 PM #10
Hey Dustin, I'm glad the pretty razor has found a good home! I enjoyed many nice shaves with the Henkels. It was an easy one to keep sharp. Best regards,