Once a month there is a HUGE "antique faire" in Alameda, CA at the old Alameda Naval Air Station. It is held on the side of the old main runway, and has hundreds of vendors. Here is a link:

Antiques By The Bay - Main Index page

So, my better half and I got there at 6am when they opened, and I methodically went from booth to booth on the prowl for anything shave related. I spent ALL DAY there, and came out with some diamonds in the ruff, and 1 shining jewel.

Here come the pictures.

The first item is a badger brush in good shape, $6.00

The next is a small Spike razor, $10.00

Next up we have a Royal Keen Kutter. The pictures look worse than it really is, there is no rust on the edge, mostly it is discoloration, but there is one ugly rust spot on the back side .... It cost a whopping $7.00 .... so I thought I'd take a gamble with it.

Next I found a Wade and Butcher. The scales are cracked ... who cares. Some nice new scales and a little clean up and it will be as good as new!

A little time later, I found this box in a glass case. I asked to see the razor, and the guy said it only has the blade .. no scales ... what a piece of junk.