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  1. #1
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimR's Avatar
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    Default Haul and a half...(Pics)

    Well gents, I won the big lot I mentioned before, and it showed up...and man, am I happy about it. 9 razors, three of them Fillies (one Sub Cero 13, one Inox 13, and one 4/8 doble temple ionx) one 13/16 herder, three Japanese made straights and two feather replaceable blade razors...

    And the pics:
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    Last edited by JimR; 08-16-2009 at 11:58 AM.

  2. #2
    Junior Member isshou's Avatar
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    Default Woooow

    That is great !

    You have been very lucky in this one.
    Will you keep them all? or will you sell / trade some of them !

    By the way, the last pic, does it have a helmet with a swastika on it, or it looks like to me ?.


  3. The Following User Says Thank You to isshou For This Useful Post:

    JimR (08-16-2009)

  4. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth Joed's Avatar
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    Great haul!! I predict some great shaves are ahead for you. Getting them to you liking should take a day or two. Enjoy the journey and the shaves!
    “If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got.” (A. Einstein)

  5. The Following User Says Thank You to Joed For This Useful Post:

    JimR (08-16-2009)

  6. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimR's Avatar
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    Thanks gents. I suspect there isn't a bad shaver in the bunch--and the conditions, while not pretty in some cases, is actually pretty sound. The nick in the Inox is the only real problem, and I suspect that I'll be sending the two bigger fillies off to the professionals.They deserve a little more than I can give them.

    Isshou, I will be keeping some, and getting rid of some (I view this as a self funding habit...) so if you wait around, there should be some pop up in the classifieds once I've had a chance to clean and check them thoroughly, and give them a try on the hones.

    OLD_SCHOOL, yeah, it's pretty unpleasant. I don't like having it around, to be perfectly honest, so I'll drop you a PM.

  7. #5
    Junior Member
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    mm mmm, B.E.A.utiful craftsmanship there

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