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08-30-2009, 06:55 PM #1
Two razors I picked up this weekend
Here's a TI Dandy before I cleaned it up. I'm not sure what the word after "Dandy" is. It looks like "Suoc" or "Luoc." Anyone have a clue what the text is and what it might mean? The "Barbes dures," according to google translate, means "hard beards." It's a 5/8 and I think a half hollow. It's got a crack in one scale at the pivot pin and there's about 1/16" play at the pin. I'm pretty sure the pivot hole in the tang is too large. It also says 441 on it. Is that the production number? Is the model number "69?"
Here's a couple pictures of the razor after I cleaned it up. It was a lot harder to take picutres of post cleanup.It looks better in person.
The other one I picked up is a Dubl Duck Satinedge. I'm not sure it's the original scales or not. It seems like most I've seen have clear scales. Anyone know if these are possibly original scales? At any rate it should clean up nicely. I'm going to try to hone both of them and put them in my rotation. Thanks for letting me share!
08-30-2009, 07:49 PM #2
Wow! Great finds.That TI is a real stunner.I'd try to stabilize the crack and keep those scales,they're great.The DD is nice too.
08-30-2009, 08:16 PM #3
I really like the scales on the TI. Pity about the crack. Dunno if you can stabilize it to where the blade would be tight in the scales ? Would be cool if you could.
The Satinedges did come in clear scales AFAIK. At least the Pearlducks did. I think the Bresducks may have come in solid color scales. Whatever, you have two first rate shavers there.Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.