I intentionally left out what I paid for these razors, to avoid making anyone sick.Let's just say they were stupid cheap. The scales on the Blackie have a crack all the way across the tang pin section and some old initials scratched into them so I'm not going to bother trying to save them. There were a lot of old unmarked hones in this shop too, but as my knowledge with them is nil and void I left them even though I was greatly tempted. I did buy one that had finisher written on the price tag. It's an 1 1/4 wide by 5 3/4 long and dark gray almost black, with a very very slick shiney surface. I wish there were more pictures of hones in the database but even so it would be hard to distinguish an old coated hone.There's a Weltmeister Solingen razor there still that I didn't have the funds for, but had a beautiful ornate worked spine, and had to be at least a 7/8. I passed up on a W&B bow that looked like it had been cleaned up, there was a lot of deep pitting on the blade still.