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  1. #11
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    Sorry my Italian is bad so its easier in English for me.
    If I understand correctly you are trying to set the Bevel with a Coticule & have tried the Blue side as well. You need to make a slurry for it to cut steel quickly or as you are finding water alone will not be effective. Probably best start with 1000 grit stone then move to your Belgian stone. If you do not have a small coticule to make slurry you can use a Diamond plate.
    And the razor is pre 1890.

    Here is a video that may help :
    The white gleam of swords, not the black ink of books, clears doubts and uncertainties and bleak outlooks.

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by onimaru55 View Post
    Sorry my Italian is bad so its easier in English for me.
    If I understand correctly you are trying to set the Bevel with a Coticule & have tried the Blue side as well. You need to make a slurry for it to cut steel quickly or as you are finding water alone will not be effective. Probably best start with 1000 grit stone then move to your Belgian stone. If you do not have a small coticule to make slurry you can use a Diamond plate.
    And the razor is pre 1890.

    Here is a video that may help :

    Hi onimaru55!!yes!you understand correctly!i've tried to hone with the belgian but i don't find any result.. thanks for the video!i haven't a slurry stone,if i see well in the video the water become dark after few passage... when i pass the blade on the stone nothing appears,probably my touch is too light... this afternoon i'm going to search a 1000 stone at my ironmonger,and i try to search the seems a very good and fast solution right?

    i read about your warning for chemical removal... in your opinion is better to pass a sandpaper or this time,seeing the few flower of rust,try to eliminate only the rust and not attack the metal?

    little question... if the razor is pre 1890,the original scale can be in plastic?in black,perfect plastic? or there was a change of scale? (if the second is right i'm thinking to change plastic with wood :P )

    thanks for the answer!!

  3. #13
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    just because i've some wood to recycle i try to make a new scale,if the result is good i'll think to mount on a razor (but what razor?? :P ),if the result is bad... i'll put in the garden,take my airgun hw35,0,177" cal,parallax setted at 25y and shoot until the scale is dust

    i know i'm making someone laugh... in italian "sega" is "saw" but the same word is used for diy with hand (for man)... i didn't remember the english noun for write "saw",i remember that "sega" in certain site (......) is written in other words... i was making laugh half forum :P
    my saw is a bad old saw with very massacred blade... but the result is still good considering time (25 min ca) and the tools...

    ps: chi legge l'italiano si starà cappottando dalle risate leggendo il mio inglese

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  4. #14
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rendoman View Post
    Hi onimaru55!!yes!you understand correctly!i've tried to hone with the belgian but i don't find any result.. thanks for the video!i haven't a slurry stone,if i see well in the video the water become dark after few passage... when i pass the blade on the stone nothing appears,probably my touch is too light... this afternoon i'm going to search a 1000 stone at my ironmonger,and i try to search the seems a very good and fast solution right?

    i read about your warning for chemical removal... in your opinion is better to pass a sandpaper or this time,seeing the few flower of rust,try to eliminate only the rust and not attack the metal?

    little question... if the razor is pre 1890,the original scale can be in plastic?in black,perfect plastic? or there was a change of scale? (if the second is right i'm thinking to change plastic with wood :P )

    thanks for the answer!!
    Piacere !
    Yes, the Belgians will generally not cut fast with water alone so the slurry is crucial even after 1000 grit
    The sandpaper is a safer approach to removing rust than chemicals which often darken the metal. If you want a shiny blade you will need to sand anyway.

    If the scales are plastic it is likely they are not original. They would usually be horn. ( corno )

    PS Che grande sega ! Non seggare troppo
    The white gleam of swords, not the black ink of books, clears doubts and uncertainties and bleak outlooks.

  5. #15
    Always Learning. nubskillz's Avatar
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    Oue'! le sege in publico?

  6. #16
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    yes the scale is in flexible plastic! i try sand paper!!
    update at few time!

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by nubskillz View Post
    posto qua l'msn perche mi sa che ho qualche problema con i messaggi privati:

    adorabilecanaglia84 ( at)

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